Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Rayneau Offers Up to $50,000 Hassle Free For Petty Contracts

We are eyeballing the last quarter of 2015  with the view that this is the time when we know plans are being formulated to renovate homes, pave yards, do some landscaping, build retaining walls,laying of tiles, adding another room to the home,  or any other major project - the list goes on and on. 

We are also aware that this is the time when petty contracts from the constituency councils or Ministry of Infrastructure are being awarded. At RCIP Ltd you can lay your burden on our shoulders and we can take it "From Foundation to Finish". In a discussion with Business Executive Officer Mr Anselm Clauzel some time in November last year, I questioned him on the concept of "From Foundation to Finish" and what he told me deserves to be shared. The concept actually means we do every thing for the customer at a cost of course. All we need from the customer is the idea of what he wants.

Here is a scenario: Jane Public owns a piece of land and has decided to construct a home on this property. She has heard about us through another client whom we have done business with. She comes to CIE Ltd with her land papers and discusses with the persons in charge what she wants - size of house, no of rooms , kitchen, bath etc. Further discussions ensue as to financing and the whole lot. Once this is agreed upon CIE Ltd will take it from here - all paper works, approvals excavation in other words we will within a specified time frame we deliver to Jane public the keys to her dream home.

Scenario 2:Joe Public is awarded a petty contract from The Ministry of Infrastructure or the Constituency Council in his district.This contractor can come to us for assistance. Once CIE Ltd can confirm the method of payment by this contractor he will get all the materials he needs from RCIP Ltd,equipment, plus monies for labour from start until the project is completed. Once completed we collect our due payment and the contractor gets his due balance. This also holds for all contractors who have projects with government or other sources who qualify for the program. And the beauty about this is there is 0% interest. No catch, no gimmicks. Financing can go up to as much as $50,000.00.

Mr Gajadhar is proud to be associated with this program and considers this as an initiative to get small contractors on their feet. He says that too often small contractors get a contract to do some work and do not have the finance to start. The banks he says wants some form of security which many of these contractors don't have. With his 0% financing the contractors are able to get the materials and labour cost to complete their project. "I am happy to be of assistance to the small contractors." Mr Gajadhar reiterated.

Give us a call or visit us this last quarter and all your construction issues from foundation to finish will we taken care of. Our experienced and courteous staff are standing by for your call.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd- Creating Opportunities, Building Your Future!

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