Saturday, 29 August 2015

Rid Your Home of These 3 Invaders – Flies, Ants, Roaches

Except for rats, these three pests probably generate more fear, loathing, and disgust than any others found in the home. For roaches particularly, these reactions are justified, since they do transmit disease and trigger allergies and asthma. Ants and flies, too, can contaminate food.

House flies are major carriers of disease. They are known to transfer over 100 pathogens resulting in ailments, including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera and dysentery. House flies collect these pathogens on their legs and mouths when feeding on faeces, trash and other decaying material.

House flies can be a real nuisance when they are flying around. But they can also transmit diseases, so it is important to get rid of them. House flies usually are found where humans are present. Larvae commonly develop in or near man-made sources of food and can be found in garbage, animal waste, culled fruits and vegetables, and spilled animal feed. 

The adult flies feed on a wide range of liquid waste but can eat solid foods,such as sugar. Flies found inside a building have entered from the outside in almost all cases. Therefore, barriers preventing access to the building are the first line of defense. 

Cracks around windows and doors where flies may enter should be sealed. Well-fitted screens will also limit their access to buildings. Outdoors, regular removal (at least once a week) and disposal of organic waste, including dog faeces, rotting fruit, and kitchen waste will reduce the attractiveness of the area to adult flies and limit their breeding sites. Garbage should not be allowed to accumulate and should be placed in plastic bags and held in containers with tight-fitting lids where feasible. Garbage should also be placed as far from a building entrance as is practicable. In general, poor exclusion and lack of sanitation are the major contributors to house fly problems..

Fly Stick
At RCIP Ltd we know that Stick fly paper or ribbons are effective at eliminating a few flies in relatively confined areas but, sanitation methods, along with screens to keep flies out of the home, should be sufficient.

Jumbo Fly stick is an effective way to control common houseflies and other flying insects indoors and out. It can be used in any room of the house, including food preparation areas or baby's room because it gives off no vapors. Effectively traps flies, mosquitoes, moths, gnats and other flying insects.

It shouldn’t be surprising if you see one or two ants in your home since they are the most common insect on earth numbering as many as 1 quad billion. Small numbers of ants are actually helpful because they clean up bits of organic matter which could serve as food for more problematic insects however If you see a line of ants marching across your kitchen counter, however, something is wrong.

Ant control can be difficult, but there are some things you should know about how ants’ behavior can lead to big headaches for you and your home. Ants may enter your house foraging for food or seeking shelter. Understanding the behaviour of ants will help you with the recommended pest control procedures outlined here. They enter through the smallest openings in search of either sweet based food or protein/grease based foods. Once they find a food source, ants will leave a pheromone trail for other ants to follow.

Ant Bait
To get your ant problem under control, you need to find the ant nest by following the trail. Inside a house, inspect along the carpet edges, doors, windows, and all areas of the kitchen. 

The easiest way to find a trail to the nest is to watch where ants go after reaching the food source. Then treat the nest directly if possible or use bait or non-repellent insecticide around the perimeter of the house and on the ant trails.

We recommend Hot Shot Ant Bait for your ant problems. Place the product adjacent to walls, electrical lines, potted plants, waste receptacles, sensitive electronic equipment, inside drop ceilings and wall voids anywhere ant problems occur. This product kills the queen and destroys the colony, starts killing in hours, keep ants from coming back, works up to 6 months indoors, and contains 4 child-resistant bait stations.

Other products which we have in stock for your ant problems are, Liquid Ant Bait Killer, Ant & Insect Crawling Control and household Insect Control, just to mention a few.
Cockroaches have established a reputation as one of the most annoying and persistent household insects. Cockroaches can carry disease, contaminate food, and induce allergies. They hide by day in cracks and crevices and feed at night on water and crumbs of food.
If more palatable food is not available, cockroaches will eat almost anything, including items not normally considered food, such as wallpaper paste, envelope glue, and bar soap. Most prefer warm, moist areas such as kitchens and bathrooms or near washing machines, sinks, and hot water heaters.

Roach Prufe
Cockroaches can wreak havoc on your home. To win the war in cockroach control, you need to know that they reproduce quickly. For every one you see there can be many, many more hiding and multiplying behind your walls. They can enter your home in many different ways, from the outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes. We even bring them in on products like grocery bags, boxes, purses and on our person! And did you know the debris created by cast-off cockroach skins, dead bodies and droppings can aggravate allergies, especially in children and sensitive individuals?

Cockroaches are better at hiding than you are at finding them. We know Roach Prufe will get rid of them. Treat the perimeter of the house inside on every wall and lightly dust the inside of the each cabinet and put a layer in the floor vents. It will take several days before you stop seeing roaches, but it works very well to control them for a long period of time.
Combat Source Kill Max
We also recommend Combat Source Kill Max. With this product roaches die in the open so you can see that it is working. It is the only brand to control roaches for 6 months due to the fastest non-detectable active ingredient - Fipronil that kills roaches by touch or ingestion.  You can put it in cracks so no problems with kids and pets. It does attract roaches. I put a bead and soon 4-5 roaches gathered for a bait fest. They don't seem to die immediately. You can put it all over the house in cracks and crevices. Next day they seemed to have ingested a lot of the beads since many of those beads in high traffic areas just vanished.

Keeping your home free of flies, ants and roaches can be accomplished using the products mentioned above. Come down to Rayneau, We've got it! And free your home of these invaders.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd -Creating Opportunities, Building Your Future!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Rayneau Offers Up to $50,000 Hassle Free For Petty Contracts

We are eyeballing the last quarter of 2015  with the view that this is the time when we know plans are being formulated to renovate homes, pave yards, do some landscaping, build retaining walls,laying of tiles, adding another room to the home,  or any other major project - the list goes on and on. 

We are also aware that this is the time when petty contracts from the constituency councils or Ministry of Infrastructure are being awarded. At RCIP Ltd you can lay your burden on our shoulders and we can take it "From Foundation to Finish". In a discussion with Business Executive Officer Mr Anselm Clauzel some time in November last year, I questioned him on the concept of "From Foundation to Finish" and what he told me deserves to be shared. The concept actually means we do every thing for the customer at a cost of course. All we need from the customer is the idea of what he wants.

Here is a scenario: Jane Public owns a piece of land and has decided to construct a home on this property. She has heard about us through another client whom we have done business with. She comes to CIE Ltd with her land papers and discusses with the persons in charge what she wants - size of house, no of rooms , kitchen, bath etc. Further discussions ensue as to financing and the whole lot. Once this is agreed upon CIE Ltd will take it from here - all paper works, approvals excavation in other words we will within a specified time frame we deliver to Jane public the keys to her dream home.

Scenario 2:Joe Public is awarded a petty contract from The Ministry of Infrastructure or the Constituency Council in his district.This contractor can come to us for assistance. Once CIE Ltd can confirm the method of payment by this contractor he will get all the materials he needs from RCIP Ltd,equipment, plus monies for labour from start until the project is completed. Once completed we collect our due payment and the contractor gets his due balance. This also holds for all contractors who have projects with government or other sources who qualify for the program. And the beauty about this is there is 0% interest. No catch, no gimmicks. Financing can go up to as much as $50,000.00.

Mr Gajadhar is proud to be associated with this program and considers this as an initiative to get small contractors on their feet. He says that too often small contractors get a contract to do some work and do not have the finance to start. The banks he says wants some form of security which many of these contractors don't have. With his 0% financing the contractors are able to get the materials and labour cost to complete their project. "I am happy to be of assistance to the small contractors." Mr Gajadhar reiterated.

Give us a call or visit us this last quarter and all your construction issues from foundation to finish will we taken care of. Our experienced and courteous staff are standing by for your call.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd- Creating Opportunities, Building Your Future!

Monday, 24 August 2015

5 Products That Will Make Your Lawn Stand Out

Were you recently impressed with the upkeep of a lawn as you drove past a house on your way home from work? Were you taken aback by the lush green, thick and neatly cut  and weed free grass? Then look no further and head to our Lawn and Garden Department at Rayneau and speak with our knowledgeable CSRs who will get you started on the path to your dream lawn. Further it is the rainy season, so what better time to start than now.

Scotts® Turf Builder® Grass Seed Bermudagrass

Overview & Benefits:
     1. Grows quicker, thicker, greener grass, guaranteed!
     2. Contains our exclusive WaterSmart® PLUS coating that absorbs       2X more water than uncoated seed, feeds to jumpstart growth,     and protects seedlings against disease.
     3. Great for lawns challenged by long periods of scorching 
         southern heat and drought.
     4. Aggressively spreads to fill in bare spots and crowd out weeds

Ortho® Weed B Gon® Weed Killer For Lawns

Overview & Benefits:
   1. Kills dandelions, clover and other broadleaf weeds
   2. Kills 250+ weeds**
   3. Kills weeds down to the roots
   4. Starts working immediately
   5.Won't harm the lawn - guaranteed*

Combat Source Kill Max Ant Bait

Product Overview:
Combat® Source Kill Max Ant Bait contains a powerful insecticide, Fipronil, which gets rid of ants commonly found in households. Ants are attracted to the bait and then carry it back to their colony to destroy the queen and entire colony. These easy-to-use, no-mess, child-resistant ant baits need no activation. Just place them where you have seen ants and they will work day and night to control the problem killing ants at the source. Combat® Source Kill Max Ant Bait kills ants that feed on sweet and greasy materials, including:  Argentine, Cornfield, Little Black, Odorous House, and Pavement Ants.

Triazicide Insect Killer
Triazicide 32 fl. oz. Concentrate Lawn and Landscape Insect Killer

Product Review:

Designed to help protect your lawn and landscape, the Spectracide 32 oz. Triazicide Insect Killer for Lawns and Landscapes Concentrate features a fast-acting formula that kills over 260 listed insects by contact. This product can provide continual protection for up to 8 weeks control of nuisance pests and up to 4 weeks for fire ants. 

                      It is ideal for use on lawns and landscapes:
                                 1. Kills over 260 listed insects by contact
                                 2. Kills grubs, chin-bugs, ants, fleas, ticks and other listed insects
                                 3. Use on lawns and landscapes
                                 4. Up to 8 weeks control of nuisance pests, up to 4 weeks for fire 

Ground Clear vegetation Killer
Ground Clear Insect Killer

Product Overview

Solve your weed problem with the Ortho 1 gal. Use Concentrate Ground Clear on patios, gravel paths and driveways to kill unwanted vegetation and prevent new growth for up to 1 year. The 1 gal. concentrate provides up to 4 gal. of weed killer and covers up to 300 sq. ft.
         1.Fast acting formula kills weeds and unwanted
         2.Prevents new growth for up to 1 year for weed-free 
            patios, driveways and gravel paths
                                                3.Use with a sprinkling can (not included) or a tank 
                                                   sprayer (not included) for easy application
                                                4.Apply during sunny weather with temperatures above
                                                   60⁰F for best results
We also stock a variety of garden tools to make working on your lawn hassle free.

Do not continue to keep on wishing. Get it done Now. Come down to Rayneau, our qualified and friendly CSRs will be more than happy to guide you along the right path.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products (RCIP) Ltd , Creating Opportunities, Building Your Future!

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Happy Birthday Natasia Tallian !!!!!!!!

Natasia Tallian
Today marks a milestone in Natasia 

Tallian's life - her Birthday! Nat as she is 

affectionately called at RCIP Ltd, is 

this shrewd Executive Assistant who is the 
wizard behind the company's curtain, the 

one who keeps the office running 

efficiently. In addition, she continuously 

looks for new ways to lend support, 

increase productivity or make 

improvements to benefit the company.On 

behalf of Mr Gajadhar, the CEO, and all of us at RCIP Ltd, CIE Ltd and RG Quarry Ltd, we 

wish a very Happy Birthday to our Executive Assistant. We hope 

you have a wonderful day.

       Let's all Shout out Happy Birthday to Nat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Works Gets Underway On Airport Apron

Clips of works in progress on Apron
Excavation works is presently underway on the airport apron at the Hewannora International Airport.  The airport apron is the area of an airport where aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refueled, or boarded.

The resurfacing of the airport apron has been contracted by St Lucia Air and Seaports Authority to our parent company CIE Ltd which is well noted for producing high quality work and delivery within the specified time. The work is now into its second week and it’s due to be completed in six more weeks.

For the ordinary layman, the work involves excavating the apron’s surface area and laying of sub-base, base material and then laying of asphalt. According to the CIE Ltd engineer on site, the middle part of the airport apron will be in concrete. 

There had been rumours circulating that CIE Ltd appears to be a favoured company with the government and that this job was not advertised. Far from the truth, Mr Gajadhar says. The Hewannora Expansion works was tendered by three companies- CO Williams, L Caribbean and his company CIE Ltd.  CO Williams St Lucia did not meet the criteria and so CO Williams Barbados tendered. When Mr Gajadhar asked by Jadia while he appeared on a  TV program, why he got the job,Mr Gajadhar reiterated," I bid for the job and  because of my capacity and because of my ability to perform and because it's a big job in a short space of time, I think I was awarded the job."

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Work Starts on Laborie Village Main Road

Section near Junction
Last Saturday residents of High Road in Laborie village welcomed the rumblings of tractors, loaders and 16 wheeler buses as the surface of the road was being scraped off to make way for a new asphalted covering. This is part of the Banse/La Haut and Laborie Village Main Road Project.

The stretch of road in question starts from the junction entering Laborie  from Choiseul, to the Laborie Bridge. This is the first phase.

This High Road, over the years, has been a source of concern for both motorists and pedestrians alike………a myriad of pot holes, poor drainage and narrowness in some areas.

Petr's Plumbing Construction at work

One of the main concerns of the engineers has been the reconfiguration of the disrupted pipelines after the grading of the surface. Wasco has contracted the services of Peter’s Plumbing Construction to rectify all broken pipelines.

Later this week sub-base material will be placed on the graded surface and compacted. The whole process leading up to laying of asphalt - sub-basin, basing, and asphalting, may take up to two to three weeks for completion.

A shop owner gleefully thanked those responsible for the works and she hopes that with the upgrade of the road business will catch up. "Vehicles don't pass here anymore, they make all the round to go into the Village. Thank God for Rayneau!" She cried out.

                                                              Laborie Village Works

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Our Team Leader is Interested in Uplifting Communities

Team Leader
Our Team Leader, Rayneau Gajadhar of RG Group of Companies recently  celebrated his birthday. For those of you new readers who may have just been hearing the name Rayneau Gajadhar for this first time, we feel obliged to give you a brief background and some of his views.
 Our Team Leader was raised in the community of Barre D’lisle where he did all his schooling before he ventured in to the city in search of employment. Finding work was proving to be a very difficult challenge, he did many odd jobs, but with his drive and determination he started his own small business – selling ice cream by Johnson’s. Along the way he moved on into different businesses. Read 

Rayneau can remember being a photographer taking pictures at wedding parties, doing commercials, having a repair shop to repair electronics equipment, importing televisions and VCRs and selling them. He had a video rental shop, a wrecker service and at one time even ran an auto mechanic and body shop. He was also into furniture and many other things. In 1992 he got into the equipment business. There was an opportunity to buy two little bobcats from a company. This was a company that financed equipment for another company called Habitat. Rayneau got into renting the equipment for people in construction; and that is how he got into construction.

During the period of CO Williams, B & D and CCI, it was very difficult for locals to enter into construction industry and it was always considered that the locals were not well equipped and they did not have what it takes to get the job done.

Rayneau saw the opportunity especially in the construction industry and grew his business from very small to where people never thought about him. Most of his work has been in the private sector. He did a lot of work with Cable & Wireless during the expansion period.

The company continued to grow by Rayneau investing in equipment and staff that would grow his business. He reinvested every dime he made back into the business.
Today we have RG Group of Companies which comprises, CIE Ltd, the RG Quarry Ltd and RCIP Ltd all in a space of 23 years. Both RG Quarry and CIE have received prizes at the International Summit for Quality Awards in 2014 and 2015 respectively.

What do the people ask of or say about our Team Leader? At a talk show “In Touch with Jadia” the host Jadia Jn Pierre, asked Our Team Leader, “…….How is it that you are able to invest at that rate and to be able to take on projects of this magnitude……….?
“I will tell you what it is. St Lucians do not appreciate St Lucians and are not proud of St Lucians. Unlike Bajans,a St Lucian cannot go to Barbados and get a contract that easy………..St Lucians need to start being proud of their own people and their ownselves.” Mr Gajadhar thinks St Lucians don’t seem to support locals and he continued,…………”and this is very wrong and this is not right and this does not auger well for any St Lucian to develop and do better. I will not let this to stop me or slow me down”

Flyer about program
Many persons are eager to know about the "Contractor Program" which Mr Gajadhar is offering. Here is how Our team leader  puts it. "I am the only contractor or person who finance contractors. I do that because I want to grow small contractors. I know where I came from, I know how difficult it was and I wanted to finance contractors that are unable. Whether you get a $10,000  or $2million contract and you cannot get the finance, because the bank wants land and that kind of thing, you can come to me, I will finance you the contract......"

 "You see this gentleman, he is the best, the best ever businessman in St Lucia." A young lady remarked." She went on to say, "And without him we will remain in the dark. He is better than the bank,than all governments we can think of. And Mr Rayneau, I have a message for you, stay on your own, do what you can for the people of the nation.........You are doing a very good job. Continue, God bless you."

Section of a community road
And about doing good for the people, Mr Gajadhar has on more than one occasion offered to both sides of the fence financial aid to do infrastructural works to the tune of US$20m or EC$50m annually at an interest rate of 3.5%. Thus far none has taken up the offer. However his conditions are that the financing is for community roads to benefit the people. He reiterated, " I do not want to give the money and they just  go and do a highway........... it is for community roads - short roads about 100m, 200m and so on......I get the gratification that I am doing something that the people benefit out from. So even if we do forty or of fifty roads ,very small roads for that money at a ridiculous 3.5% interest rate I think the people will benefit, the government will benefit, I will benefit out of it."
Many St Lucians are proud of Mr Gajadhar's work but in the wilderness there are a few critics which have no basis for their grudge.

 NB: Click to hear the thoughts of our Team Leader

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Happy Birthday to St Lucia’s #1 Entrepreneur – Rayneau Gajadhar

John Quincy Adams wrote, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more

and become more, you are a leader.”

Rayneau Gajadhar
Rayneau Gajadhar is an inspiration to many so it's only deserving to wish him a Happy Birthday. He

is a year older today Tuesday August 4th. Wishing him many more successful years ahead!

I have never met a person as kind, humble and down-to-earth as him. Thank you for being a

wonderful boss. A clip online reads, “Most bosses are preachers, but you are a true leader. Most

 bosses are just managers, but you are also a mentor. Most bosses arrogantly demand

respect, but you deserve it because you are perfect.” This reflects Rayneau Gajadhar in every sense.

Ray's sincerity inspires us, his hard work motivates us, and he sets a great example 

for all of us. Happy Birthday Boss! From all of us at RG Group of Companies.

 May God bless you with more success and glory in the times to come! Let's all Shout.

                                                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...