Thursday, 23 July 2015

Another Phase Of Laborie/Banse Road Project Completed

Paving near gas station
Commuting time from Banse to Laborie has been reduced drastically,no potholes to avoid,no narrowness of road to have motorist stop so as to make way for the oncoming vehicle, and in many places the road has been straightened.

On Saturday July 4th, 2015 the last phase of  laying the first layer of asphalt on about 1.5 km, leading up to the gas station at the Laborie/Banse Junction was completed.
However between the Banse section and this last section is an area of about 150 meters still to paved.  
Another section

This area has  two sharp corners which the designers/engineers conclude may be too sharp for container trucks. In the works now is the process of acquiring new land where the road will be redirected to form a straighter motorway. 

Work on cutting this new stretch of road is due to commence soon.

Motorists enjoying the smoothness of 
of the road

Next on the agenda is the resurfacing of the Laborie Village road from Cotter's Place to the junction of the Vieux Fort/Laborie Highway. The WASCO pipe network in the village is expected to produce some challenges; so says the Ministry's engineers. Work is due to commence in the coming week.

                                                         Final  Phase Asphalt Paving 

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