Thursday, 23 July 2015

Another Phase Of Laborie/Banse Road Project Completed

Paving near gas station
Commuting time from Banse to Laborie has been reduced drastically,no potholes to avoid,no narrowness of road to have motorist stop so as to make way for the oncoming vehicle, and in many places the road has been straightened.

On Saturday July 4th, 2015 the last phase of  laying the first layer of asphalt on about 1.5 km, leading up to the gas station at the Laborie/Banse Junction was completed.
However between the Banse section and this last section is an area of about 150 meters still to paved.  
Another section

This area has  two sharp corners which the designers/engineers conclude may be too sharp for container trucks. In the works now is the process of acquiring new land where the road will be redirected to form a straighter motorway. 

Work on cutting this new stretch of road is due to commence soon.

Motorists enjoying the smoothness of 
of the road

Next on the agenda is the resurfacing of the Laborie Village road from Cotter's Place to the junction of the Vieux Fort/Laborie Highway. The WASCO pipe network in the village is expected to produce some challenges; so says the Ministry's engineers. Work is due to commence in the coming week.

                                                         Final  Phase Asphalt Paving 

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

4 Products To Spruce Up Your Washroom And Save

     Have you recently considered giving your kitchen a touch up or want to update your bathroom fixtures and accessories; from fittings,valves, pipes to water supply lines. You're sure to get a fantastic price on all items at RCIP. We carry a wide range of household names and products to ensure that your needs are met, no matter the difficulty of the project that you face.

     At RCIP we carry everything you need for updates and installing new plumbing as well as plumbing tools and equipment. Professional plumbers and do-it-yourselfers alike call or visit us when they need fixtures or plumbing parts at a fair price. 

    Here are a few products you can start with, to update your washroom:

Duo Flush System
     Water conservation is becoming a bigger and bigger issue all the time. The FluidMaster Duo Flush gives you a tool to help save more water than any other flush system on the market. 

·         Converts your toilet to dual flush technology

·         Save water, save money

·         Most universal fit

·         Easy adjust dials

·         Easy to install

The HydroClean Toilet Fill valve solves the two biggest reasons for water loss in toilets mis-calibrations and leaks. It easily calibrates to adjust the right amount of water needed in the tank. A unique feature is the leak detection and signals when a leak is found. It is designed to fit standard toilets and installs easily without tools
Fill Valve

·         Quietest and most powerful fill valve on the market
·         Fits all toilets including Toto, Kohler, and American        Standard
·         Perfect for 1.28 HET, dual-flush, 1.6 toilets, 2-in and      3-in flush valves
·         Maximize flush performance and water savings
·         Improves toilet bowl fill rate
·         Easy to install

      We have in stock a  range of bathroom sinks faucets or lavatory faucets that are inspirational in design and come in a range of styles, features and finishes. Our bathroom sink faucets or lavatory faucets are designed to provide maximum functionality and durability. The Imperial lever lavatory faucet  is very water efficient. You can save up to 40% of the water used if you replace your old sink faucet with this one.

If you are looking to make your bathroom more environmentally friendly then you can try our range of water-saving toilets. All these toilets come with dual flush functionality which helps you use only the water you need, saving you money on water bills. We have a wide selection of models, so you can get the right toilet for your bathroom

Dual Flush Toilet

·    Innovative Trip Lever — Green lever indicates a light flush; full lever delivers a complete flush
·    Intuitive Flushing — Lever is located on side of tank like traditional toilet, leaving the top free for storage
·    High Performance — Flushes 4 times more bulk waste than the average adult needs
·    Clog-Free — Powerful flush virtually eliminates clogging
·    Powerful Choice — Easily choose between the 1.1- or 1.6-gallon flush
.    Versatile Toilet Design — Complements a variety of decors

Visit or call us at 450 - 7247 for a quote from one of our friendly and
experienced Customer Sales Representatives.

Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd- Creating Opportunities,
Building Your Future!


Sunday, 19 July 2015


Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd of R.G. Group (htpp:// is a success story. From its inception in 1995, through the vision, determination, work ethic and aggressiveness of its founder, Rayneau Gajadhar, this company has continually climbed the ladder of success. The name Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd is synonymous with quality – all projects it has undertaken on the island bears the signature of quality. The state of the art Bois D’Orange Bridge is a shining example.
Construction and Industrial Equipment Limited, a leading construction company in St Lucia received the International Star for Leadership in Quality Award in the Diamond category in Paris, France on Sunday June 28, 2015. The impressive ceremony which saw the presence of leaders and representatives from 49 countries was organized by Business Initiative Directions (BID) of Spain.
According to BID’s official website, “The International BID Quality Award is designed to recognize the prestige of the outstanding companies, organizations, and leaders in the business world.” The GatewayCnet Magazine adds,” The Award is presented by BID to those companies and organizations from around the world that best adhere to excellence and innovation in their practices, putting quality first at all levels of organization.”

 Ms Jarbandon and Mr Gajadhar receiving Award from BID Officials

 Representing the company at the Convention were Ms Rashree Jarbandon and Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, Business Development Executive and Team Leader respectively of CIE Ltd. They stood before the gathering of international leaders, and shared the company's achievements to date, as well as its future ambitions and goals. 
Working in a difficult economic crisis, where access to credit is extremely challenging, CIE Ltd was noted to have kept faith with its customers without diminishing its standards in product quality and service delivery. GatewayCnet magazine puts it very succinctly “Despite the difficult current global economic climate,Construction Industrial Equipment Ltd of R.G. Group strives to excel in quality each day, creating a competitive advantage in its industry."
On this milestone, Mr Anselm Clauzel, Business Development Executive at CIE Ltd had this to say. “It’s a great achievement for Mr Gajadhar, Ms Jarbadon and the team. Only hard and dedicated work can take you there along with sacrifices.”

In April 2012, RG Quarry of R.G. Group also won the Gold award among construction companies at the BID Convention and Gala Awards Ceremony at the Franfurt Intercontinental Hotel from BID president and CEO Jose Prieto.

Congratulations to the team!

Friday, 17 July 2015

La Haut Agricultural Roads...Good To Go!

In the heart of La Haut
With the 90% asphalt paving of the road from the last residential house in Banse to the Laborie          Village/Banse Junction completed (by the gas station), work on the interior agricultural roads of La    Haut has recommenced in earnest."There was a slight delay of a week or two due to a decision which had to be taken as to whether to apply "chip and spray" or concrete the hilly sections of this crucial roads for the farmers in this area." So says the works Foreman.
One of the steep areas
According to CIE's and the Ministry's engineers, the decision to pave these roads with concrete is the right one. They believe that the life span of the road will be greatly extended. Also because of the topography of the terrain there will be less water erosion of the concrete than if the "chip and spray method was applied.
Kids  using a paved area for a game of cricket
Farmers here are noted for their banana production though, quite are few have diversified. These roads act as the only means by which they can take their fruits to the market, whether it be to the docks or to the shopping centers. These roads were in a deplorable state and as a result the farmers suffered great loss from damaged fruits. According to one farmer I met in the interior, I posed this question to him.What do you think about the new road?  " With the road fixed,now I am sure I will get less rejected fruits due to bruising." He gleefully responded.
CIE Ltd, with its quality work have brought hope and life to this once neglected agricultural community. Everyone has a smile on their face now.
The concreting is due to be completed by week's end.

                                           CIE Ltd Concrete Works at La Haut

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

7 Days To Feel The Spirit Of Carnival With Rayneau

Save up from 15% - 30% off on selected items: lumber,cement, steel ,blocks, aggregates,faucets, fittings,  soils, seeds, hoses, rakes, paints, and much more.

Participating Departments:

  • Building materials  
  • Plumbing         
  • Lawn & garden             
  • Paints & Sundries       

It is this time of the year again, Carnival! We are offering some real bargains across the store. If you have been thinking of a project - a small renovation of the home for those friends who are coming over for carnival, or just a little do-over, you have 7 days to get some great items at a great price.

So Feel the Spirit of Carnival. Time is limited and the sale runs from Monday July 13th to Sunday July 19th, 2015.

Our opening hours are:

Mon- Fri -7:00am - 6:00pm daily
Sat- 7:30am-3:30pm
Sun- 9:00am- 1:00pm

Come down to Rayneau and FEEL THE SPIRIT OF CARNIVAL 2015


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...