Friday, 30 June 2023


The word productivity is often used in the workplace. It can describe the performance of individual workers, a department, or even an entire industry.  Attempts to increase productivity by multi-tasking, working longer hours, and remaining constantly tied to technology often backfires.

The harder we work to get ore done, the more likely we’ll feel frustrated by our lack of attention span and reduced performance. The solution to decreased productivity isn’t that we should try to work even longer hours. Instead, we can take steps to work smarter instead of harder and we’ll get the same job done in less time.

Working smarter is something that we all strive to achieve and most top inspirational sites and blogs have covered it in one way or another – here is a compilation of the best ideas for working smarter, not harder.

 Limit your to-do list

One way to do this is by choosing 1–3 most important tasks. These are the big, tough tasks for your day that you really need to get done - The ones that will keep you in the office past finishing time or working after dinner if you don’t get through them. The rest of your to-do list can be filled up with minor tasks that you’d like to do, so long as you’ve prioritized 1–3 most important tasks. Make sure you work on these before you move on to anything minor and you’ll probably find you feel a whole lot more productive at the end of the day.

 Make a “to don’t” list.

Prepare a list that contains all the things you shouldn’t waste your time on – useless tasks, unnecessary meetings, worthless phone calls, and so on. Then place it next to your to-do-list – and stick to it

 Guard your calendar. 

Make sure your time is focused on your one or two top priorities. Ask yourself: “Is this how I want to be spending my time right now?” Remember: you are your calendar. So treat your calendar with respect.


Never say up front that you can beat a deadline.

 Just turn your work in early and look like a hero. Related advice (which is ancient but unassailable): Under-promise, over-deliver.

 Work in chunks.

Instead of sitting down to complete an entire project, sit down to accomplish one goal element or work for a certain number of hours. Forcing yourself to complete the entirety of a project or complex task will stress you out and make you less productive. Instead, allow yourself to work in shorter “bursts”  to keep your mind fresh and reduce your anxiety. That way, you can work to the very best of your ability.

 Prioritize your work

80 percent of your accomplishments come from 20 percent of your efforts. So think strategically: What 20 percent of your work is the most valuable—to you and to your employer? Once you’ve identified it, try to focus the lion’s share of your time and energy in that direction. Learn to say no to nonresidential demands. And don’t waste time perfecting every interoffice memo when you could spend the time more profitably on something else.

 Schedule Concentration Time

Block out some time every day when you can’t be disturbed except in an emergency. Use that time to get the most important tasks of the day done. If someone stops by your desk and asks for a moment of your time, you can honestly and politely reply, “No, I’m in the middle of something right now, and I can’t give you my full attention.” Close the door to your office if you can.

 Be Social at Work

Chitchat can be very important because it builds relationships and helps you stay plugged into the office grapevine. Share a joke, anecdote, or personal story while standing at the photocopier or waiting for a meeting to start. Schedule a coffee break with an office buddy. Also, consider helping organize the company sales drive and annual activities.

Establish a closing ritual. 

Know when to stop working. Try to end each work day the same way, too. Straighten up your desk. Back up your computer. Make a list of what you need to do tomorrow. 

It does seem strange, but slowing down can actually speed up your productivity. Be more in the moment, but make sure to rest when you need it and you’ll certainly find that your productive time is even more productive.

 At Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd, we believe in working smarter, not harder, and wish you the best in achieving that goal. 


Tuesday, 27 June 2023


Mice and rats are not liked, period. People detest them. In your home, they can carry a lot of risks - spread disease, cause a great deal of damage to the structure of your home as well as eat and contaminate your – and your pet’s – food,.

Rats can spread salmonella and hantavirus through their saliva, droppings, and urine. The spread of these diseases and bacteria can also trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals due to a protein in their urine. It is the very thing that hosts other diseases such as murine typhus, rat-bite fever, infectious jaundice, and Weil’s disease.

This year, there seems to be a profusion of rats and mice taking residence in homes, garages, and yards. Every day, dozens of people visit Rayneau seeking a solution.

The best way to get rid of rats in an ongoing infestation is with traps. Not only are they non-toxic, but they also kill the mouse instantly instead of poisoning it and letting it go into your walls to die, rot and smell. The classic wooden snap traps will do the trick for light to moderate mouse populations, but keep in mind that most people underestimate mouse infestations.

 It's also a good idea to lay many different types of traps. Use bait traps, electronic and glue traps in conjunction with the wooden traps. This gives you a better chance at killing all of the mice/rats since some might be keen on certain types of traps and know to avoid them.


 Victor Original Mouse Trap

Despite quests for a better mouse trap, the Victor trap design remains the
standard. Bait it with peanut butter or bacon, pull the spring back, and set the trigger. Avoid an “Oh, $#!#” moment—make sure it doesn’t snap back and break your finger.

Advantages: Reusable or disposable, Effective, “Visible proof of rodent capture” 

Disadvantages: Setting the trap, Dealing with a broken finger, “Visible proof of rodent capture.”

Also available - Victor M130 Quick Set! Mouse Trap


Ramik Mouse Glue Tray
Pre-baited trap for mice. No springs or snaps. It is disposable, nontoxic and Safe to use
around children and pets. This product is nothing more than an adhesive tray with a unique scented formula rodent attractant. That means a rat walks onto the tray, where it becomes stuck. Now all you have to do is deal with a live rat glued to a piece of paper or plastic.

Advantages: Contains 4 glue boards

Disadvantages: Indiscriminately captures creatures, including birds, disposing of a live rat (and how) 


Ramik Mouser
This product eliminates rats or mice from yards or outbuildings. No
muss. No fuss. You don’t even see the end result. It's pre-baited. The rodent enters, eats the bait,
takes leftovers back to the nest to share with buddies, and dies. This bait combines food processing technology and patented procedures to create an unusually palatable and highly attractive rodenticide. 

·         Tamper resistant for children & pets
·         Easy bait monitoring via a window
·         Reusable & refillable


·         Remote chance rodent will crawl off & die where you don’t want to find it.

Also available D-Con ready-mixed bait bits.


Pic RR Sonic Rodent Repeller
This is my favorite product. This is one of the most recent developments in rodent repellents - the sonic rodent repeller. This device works by sending ultrasonic waves
through the airThe claims are that this electromagnetic technology sends mice/rats scurrying from the area, never to be seen again. It can be used in homes and apartments, food service outlets, businesses, farm buildings, kennels, and stables.
The electronic rodent repeller is plugged into an electric socket in the area where mice are a problem.  The electricity generates ultrasonic waves that are beamed out into the area.  When a mouse or other rodent travels into the path of the ultrasonic waves, they feel the waves and leave the area.

Advantages: No poisons, no traps, and no dead rodents to clean up

Disadvantages: Finding the correct outlet location to plug in

Also available – Victor Sonic Pest Chaser

Get A Cat: 

Whether you’re a cat lover or not, having a cat in and around your home will help eliminate any rat infestation you may have. If you’re getting a cat specifically for rat control purposes, you want to get a barn cat or find a cat that primarily grew up outdoors, as they make the best hunters.

 If you are serious about putting an end to the harm and damage rats and mice can do at your home, in your yard, or garage, shop with us today or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau to get a few more tips and tricks to rid yourself of this vermin. You can also follow us on Facebook or check out our website here

Sunday, 25 June 2023


A situation at the Deglos Landfill was speedily brought under control, thanks to the timely directives and assistance offered by the CEO of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd., Mr. Rayneau Gajadhar.

On Saturday, June 17, 2023, Mr Gajadhar dispatched a water truck and excavator to extinguish a fire at the Deglos Landfill site which was apparently raging out of control.

This timely gesture was much appreciated by the General Manager of the St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority (SLSWMA), Joanna Raynold  Arthurton who expressed her thanks to Mr Gajadhar . “I write on behalf of the management and staff of the St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority and by extension the Government of St Lucia, to  thank you for your generous assistance with managing the fire at the Deglos Sanitary Landfill on Saturday, June 17, 2023.” The General Manager expressed.

She continued, “Please convey our appreciation to Mr. Boisville Hershele, the drivers of the excavator and water truck, and all other staff who ensured that your directive was executed on the day in question.”

While the exact cause of landfill fires is yet to be ascertained, officials believe that wet waste dumped in a landfill produces methane when it rots. And when the temperature rises, the methane gas which is flammable in nature catches fire spontaneously and the blaze spreads as it feeds on combustible material such as textiles and plastic items.


Friday, 23 June 2023


At Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we have the right rental equipment for every job. We’re here in fair and foul weather to make sure your business is adequately protected. The Rayneau Rental network has everything you need in one convenient location, so when you’re faced with an impending disaster, you’ll know where to go.

Rayneau Rentals & Sales maintains an extensive equipment inventory. Many items are top-quality Hyundai brand items that you know you can depend on. Hyundai is a long-established manufacturer, dealer, and rental equipment provider with a proven track record of getting the work done regardless of conditions.

At Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we offer you other machinery and tool brands beyond the Hyundai brand name. That’s because we want to make sure you have access to every asset you need when disaster strikes and you’re faced with new challenges. Whether you need Hyundai equipment or another form of support, we’re here to provide you the best possible equipment for natural disaster response.

Here are the emergency response equipment solutions you need to get you back up and running:


When the grid collapses and you’re left all alone, you’ll immediately benefit from your relationship with us through the electric power generation rentals we provide.

·         Electrical power generation equipment

·         Portable generators


Our inventory covers what you’ll need to clear paths, clean up debris and restore order on the ground.

·         Track-type tractors

·         Skid steer loaders

·         Compact track and multi-terrain loaders

·         Wheeled loaders

·         Backhoes

·         Full-sized excavators

·         Mini-excavators


Renting a truck is a solution for ridding your site of debris and fall-out from a storm. 

Dump trucks

Articulated trucks


There are more natural disaster mitigation and remediation rental equipment pieces out there besides electrical generators, earthmoving machinery, and big trucks

·         Aerial equipment rentals 

·         Pumping equipment rentals

·         Material handling equipment rentals 

·         Work tool equipment rentals 

When preparing for a weather event or other potential catastrophe, consider renting miscellaneous equipment like heaters, pressure washers, light towers, and containers. 

With a wide variety of equipment and tools, we’re ready for anything Mother Nature can throw at you. Whether you’re building an emergency preparedness plan or responding to a passing storm, you can be confident in the full support you get from Rayneau Rentals & Sales.

Contact us today for a quick quote on our inventory. Call us at 1-758-714-7368 or contact us online.

Thursday, 22 June 2023


Tropical storm Bret has been forecasted to impact Saint Lucia today Thursday, June 22, 2023. As a result, the responsible authorities have ordered that businesses be closed. Our stores at Corinth, Monchy, Babonneau, and Vide Bouteille will be closed today from 1:00pm due to the coming storm. We will resume our operation on Friday, June 23, 2023, once we get the go signal from the local authorities.

We regret any inconvenience our temporary closure may


                                  Be safe all of you!

                Shop early for your storm and emergency supplies. Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP) provides a wide range of hurricane preparedness supplies at our stores conveniently located in Vide Bouteille, Monchy, Babonneau, and Corinth. We invite you to experience the Rayneau difference by visiting us on our website; emailing us at or calling us at 758-450-7247.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023


Tropical storm Bret is forecast to bring heavy rain, strong winds, and rough surf to the island, but it's no longer forecast to become a hurricane. When a storm threatens, follow these last-minute steps to reduce damage to your home:

 1. Get reliable weather information and alerts

  • Stay alert to help you stay safe.
  • Find a reliable source for hurricane updates. Pay attention to hurricane forecasts from the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO). Follow the NEMO on Facebook or Twitter and tune in to local news often. 
  • Buy a battery-powered radio and new batteries. Local radio stations are a powerful source of information during and after a hurricane when power may be out.

2. Tidy up outdoors

  • Items on the lawn or patio could become flying debris and damage your home.
  • Secure weak or loose fencing; anchor heavy objects deep into the ground; and make a storage plan for loose objects.
            NEMO Disaster Preparedness Best Practices

3. Put up shutters on ALL windows

  • Get shutters in place ahead of the storm.
  • Plywood should only be used in place of shutters as a last-minute resort when tropical weather is imminent. Additionally, taping windows provides no protection and wastes time.

4. Close all interior doors  

  • Give your roof a fighting chance.
  • In addition to closing exterior doors and windows, closing all interior doors can give your roof a fighting chance in high winds. If a window is broken by flying debris or a door has blown open, your house will rapidly fill with air. This will cause a dangerous increase in the forces pushing on your roof.

5. Add important contacts to your phone and tell others your plan 

  • Know who to call after severe weather.  
  • Store your insurance agent’s contact information in your phone. 
  • Let loved ones know where you plan to go.

6. Create a home inventory

  • Documenting your belongings is easier before a storm.
  • Create a detailed list or video of your belongings in case an insurance claim is needed. 

7. Seal gaps and cracks

  • Water can easily enter your home through small openings. 
  • Use a tube of silicone caulk to seal cracks and gaps to keep water out of your home.
  • Check all exterior walls and around windows, doors, electrical boxes, vents, and pipes.

8. Check your gutters

  • If water isn’t properly diverted, heavy rain can cause leaks in your ceiling or other damage. 
  • Clean any debris from your gutters. 
  • Extend downspouts away from the house to divert water. 

9. Secure shingles on your roof

  • Loose shingles/galvanize can come off in high winds and let water into your home. 
  • Use a tube of roofing cement to secure loose shingle tabs to keep them on the roof and keep water out.
  • Reseal all loose shingles and all shingles around the edge of the roof.
  • Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd (RCIP) provides a wide range of hurricane preparedness supplies at our stores conveniently located in Vide Bouteille, Monchy, Babonneau, and Corinth. We offer water tanks plywood, raincoats, pumps, mobile generators, ladders,  torchlights, wheelbarrows, roof sealants, and more. We invite you to experience the Rayneau difference by visiting us on our website; emailing us at or calling us at 758-450-7247.

Monday, 19 June 2023


The second storm (BRET) may form just east of St Lucia as early as Thursday. It is expected to bring lots of rain. Have you checked to find out if your roof is OK? 

Each year storms and hurricanes strike our homes. The majority of these storms which come between June to November can wreak havoc on your home’s roof, but the damage they leave behind may not always be noticeable to the naked eye – that’s why roof inspections for storm season are so important.

Even the smallest damage left behind in the June to November storms can lead to serious structural problems for your roof. Your best bet is to have your roof inspected regularly during storm season by a reliable, contractor.

The most obvious types of storm damage to your roof will be loose, damaged, or missing shingles and galvanize. Check around the base of your home to see if shingles have fallen off, as well as flashing and fascia. Keep an eye out for darker spots and discoloration in the ceiling. These might indicate water damage.

At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd, we want our customers to be prepared for the hurricane season and know what steps to take after a storm has hit. Below, we have compiled a short list of checkpoints that you can complete in order to prepare your roof for storm season.

Inspect Roof 

Ensure safety first with this pre-storm preparation task. 

Check your roof for any signs of damage--or potential damage. Look for shingles/galvanize that don't lay flat. Check for cracks or blisters in shingles or sealant. 

If you're comfortable, carefully walk your roof and pay attention to any weak spots. This could mean water has made it through to the decking and the wood is damaged. 

Look for divots or missing granules on shingles. This could be damage from last year's storms.

Check all potential entry points: vents, skylights. Look for gaps in sealant or anything that feels loose. 

If this part of your pre-storm season roof preparation feels too dangerous, call a roofing expert. They'll perform a roof inspection and let you know if any need attention before storms come.

Check the Gutters

It is important to make sure that your gutters and downspouts are clear of any debris and are properly fastened to your home.

To get the most out of your drainage system, it is best to clean and repair your gutters before and after the storm season.

Leaves, small branches, and shingle granules can accumulate in your gutters over time. Be sure to check and remove any debris to decrease the chance of water overflow and clogging. It is also important to check for leaks.

Trim Trees

Be sure to examine the perimeter of your property to spot any vulnerable trees and branches and cut them back.

Some of the most common roof damage occurs because of falling tree limbs so it is best to trim branches back to lessen potential storm damage.

On windy days, low-hanging branches can scrape against roof shingles removing layers of asphalt.

Don't Get Caught In the Storm

It might not be your favorite home maintenance task. However, it's important to inspect and prepare your roof for storm season before your roof gets caught unprepared in the storm.  The hurricane season can be a stressful time for homeowners so we hope these tips will help you and your family better prepare for storm season.

If you would like a professional roof inspection to identify any potential issues, call Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd today at (758) 450-1087 or contact us. If you do experience any storm-related roof damage, we are here to help.

Sunday, 18 June 2023


 "Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad." -- Anne Geddes

This Sunday is Father's Day in Saint Lucia., the perfect time to honor every Dad who shows up for his children. It's not an easy thing, being the best father you can be. But you're making a huge difference in your child's life -- now, and every day of your child's future.

Every hug you give, every joke you share, every moment that you listen patiently, every time you take a deep breath and see things from your child's perspective, every time you role model for your child how to handle anger responsibly and show up with integrity, you're shaping your child into a person who will make you proud.

The management and staff of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd extend Father’s Day greetings to all fathers nationwide and in the diaspora, Happy Father’s Day - We celebrate you!


Friday, 16 June 2023


Now that the hurricane season is on, the rainy season is getting ready to rear its ugly head soon. As the rain comes, leaks will become more prevalent in your building. In this blog, we will look into what we consider the three options to address a roof leak.

Option 1: Ignore it.

Let’s be real. If you ignore the roof leak altogether, you’re setting yourself up for major headaches and cost outlays down the road, possibly in the very near future. The roof won’t get fixed just by willing it to stop leaking. But, let’s just say you take this option of doing nothing.

The roof leak is not the only issue here; the original roofing materials are deteriorating, below the surface of your existing coating. So while you have buckets to catch the leaking water, the roof itself is actually breaking down during this process, too. Water causes rust, rot, and deterioration. None of which are good for your roof. And if they go unchecked, they can easily grow into larger, more costly problems (like roof replacement – ouch!)

Option 2: Just use a roof caulk to patch the leak.
Some call this the “patch and pray” method. While it can offer short-term relief from a leak by patching the source of the roof leak, it does little as far as identifying the problem and taking steps to protect the rest of the roof from problems like this in the future. Roofs don’t leak just because they want to watch you run to the store to buy buckets. They leak for a reason. And if you don’t do anything to identify the cause of that leak, chances are, you’ll be running to a financial institution next time around.

Option 3: Fix the roof leak and add protection for the future.
Now you’re talking. This is a real solution to your problems. If you identify the cause of the leak, take measures to fix that leak, and protect the roof for the future (oftentimes, this means applying an elastomeric roof coating to your roof, which seals and protects it), you’ll be much better off in the short- and long- term. 

Need help fixing your roof leak and protecting your roof for the future? Contact us at Rayneau. Products. Rayneau arguably offers the best roof repair products that are, made of a variety of materials, including. Acrylic, Polyurethane, Silicone, Rubber, and Tape  — and can provide you with the product (and know-how) to get the job done right. Take action now. Waiting only makes the problem worse and more expensive. We want to help you before your roof is too far gone for repair.

Shop with us today or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau. You can also follow us on FaceBook.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023


Nowadays, people celebrate this day in so many ways, with the sole purpose of making their dads feel special, appreciated, and acknowledged. This loving day, a symbol of fatherhood, is celebrated by people getting Father’s Day cakes and gifts for their dads. It's a day to express gratitude and affection through presents, cards, and spending quality time with loved ones. Father's Day is an opportunity to express appreciation and strengthen family bonds.

Dads are the most difficult to shop for. They do not need anything for themselves. But, with Father’s Day around the corner, it is our responsibility to shop for the person who brings gifts his way back home from work without any apparent reason.

Taking into consideration these hard economic times we have curated some hand-picked most remarkable gifts for DIY fathers available at our stores. Read on to find the best-suited gift idea for your special daddy.

Shop with us today or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau. You can also follow us on Facebook.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...