Tuesday, 30 May 2023


Hurricane season is älmost upon us, and according to experts, we may be heading into a below-average one. Our hurricane equipment rentals, with generators and dewatering pumps, are all ready.  We know that storm recovery can include the use of  power generators and other dewatering pumps by municipalities, homeowners, and hurricane cleanup businesses.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30.  Meteorologists from Colorado State University predict a below-average Atlantic Hurricane season with a total of 13 tropical storms, six of which will become hurricanes. 

A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when its sustained winds reach 74 mph.   Phil Klotzbach, the University's meteorologist said that of the six predicted hurricanes, two should be major hurricanes – category 3, 4, or 5 – with sustained wind speeds of 111 mph or greater.

And while the tropical storm peak season may seem far off, it’s not – we at Rayneau Rentals & Sales are prepared; because how well we prepare will have a direct impact on how well our customers are prepared.

 This is not our first hurricane season, so we already know what we’re in for. Our customers are going to need equipment rental to perform two critical functions; generate and restore power and pump water. And to do so, they’re going to be relying on us - our guidance, and our inventory of portable pumps and portable generators.

We have assessed our inventory.  We are well aware of what the demands have been on our business during past storm seasons. Knowing that this year’s season is predicted to be “below-average,”  we are not dropping our guard since it takes only one storm for a season to be active for you.

Our equipment is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Even if any equipment has not “seen action” recently, we perform regular preventive maintenance services, like lubrication and oil change.

 Our Facebook page and other platforms will regularly post  “be prepared” messages out into our marketplace, encouraging potential customers to start thinking now about their equipment needs when the bad weather hits. The sooner that equipment gets reserved, the sooner we’ll have a handle on how much inventory we’ll need to have on hand to meet the demand.

Portable gas or diesel-powered generators are preparedness must-haves as storm recovery equipment. Why? Let’s face it, there’s only so much you can predict with a hurricane. If history has taught us anything, there’s at least one thing you can be absolutely sure of; you’re going to need to have plenty of generators on hand.

Portable generators, gas and diesel-powered, offer the flexibility our customers will need to respond to uncertain, emergency situations for power supply after the storm.  We also have fixed generators on hand, too, which customers may need to generate critical backup power for extended periods if needed.

 In 2013, the Christmas Eve Trough dropped millions of trillion gallons of rain, causing massive inland flooding. The disaster recovery required a lot of hurricane pumps.

Over time, we’ve learned that it has become increasingly difficult to anticipate where flooding will occur; even areas that are usually considered low risk are being adversely affected. That means our customers are going to need pumps that can be easily transported and positioned to do the work that’s needed… quickly and efficiently. At Rayneau Rentals & Sales we can be sure that pumps will be in high demand when the season starts. We are prepared; we have them in your inventory!

 In summary, we don’t leave anything to chance. We’re prepared. How?  We have a plan based on both past inventory and predicted inventory demands.

And lastly, check out our website to see the pumps and power equipment we stock to weather any storm; Rayneau Rentals & Sales portable generators and pumps.

Call or message us today at 1.758.450-(RENT) (758) 714-7368. Check out our website or follow us on Facebook


Friday, 26 May 2023


The benefits of having your car detailed can be tremendous, but it all depends on the skill of your chosen detailer.

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing your detailer that will greatly affect the outcome of your vehicle.

Of course, anyone who has a passion for cars and wants to keep their vehicle in pristine condition should consider detailing, and how often you revisit this process will again depend on the service you have paid for.

A car detail, also known as an “auto detail”, will fully restore your vehicle's paintwork and protect it for time to come.

In addition to restoring your paintwork detailing comes with the extra benefit of leaving your car with an incredible finish from every angle.

If done correctly, your car will look stunning no matter the environment, direct sunlight? Halogen lights? No problem, there won’t be a scratch in sight.

Not everyone is looking to enhance their paintwork just to leave it sitting on the drive.

You could be entering a show? Planning to sell your vehicle? or maybe you resell vehicles for a living?

In all honestly, it won’t make a difference what you are planning to do, whether you are looking after your own pride and joy or planning to resell, the process will add considerable value to your vehicle. 

Head down to our Automotive Department and get these car detailing products to show your ride some well-deserved TLC - you won't regret it.

Shop with us today or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau for all your car detailing supplies. You can also follow us on FaceBook.

Thursday, 25 May 2023


With hurricane season right around the corner, it is a great time to set aside a moment and prepare for a disaster. One of the ways to prepare is by having essential supplies on hand before a hurricane develops and starts heading your way.
Don’t wait until the last minute to go to the store to buy your supplies because most likely you will find that so many other people have also waited for the last minute and have already emptied the shelves with no more left for you.   

So what supplies do we need? Here is a list that  the  National  Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO ) has approved:
  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Battery-powered and portable radio  and extra batteries 
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
  • Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)

Along with that list, they have also suggested these additional items to consider.

  • Prescription medications 
  • Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification, and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container
  • Cash  
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Mess kits, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils, paper towels
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles, or other activities for children

What else can you do to prepare? Well it’s time to:- 

  1. Look at any trees that you have and see if there are any branches that are dead or that may need to be trimmed up. 
  2. Declutter drains, gutters and clear any clogged areas or debris to prevent water damage to your property. 
  3. Reinforce the roof, windows, and doors, including your garage doors, and don’t forget your sheds.

Purchase/rent a portable generator or install a generator for use during power outages. Remember to keep generators and other alternate power/heat sources outside, at least 20 feet away from windows and doors, and protected from moisture; and NEVER try to power the house wiring by plugging a generator into a wall outlet.

At Rayneau we can help with any of your needs whether you need a chainsaw for those trees, a man lift for getting to those higher altitude places, a mid-size or full-size backhoe for moving some dirt around for better drainage, a generator, or any other equipment or tool. Just stop by or give us a call and most of all, stay safe.

Shop with us today or speak with one of our Customer Service Representatives for more details.  Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759 for all your home improvement and hurricane supplies. You can also follow us on FaceBook.

Monday, 22 May 2023


We’re only 9 days away from the official start of hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin - are you prepared?

The Colorado State University hurricane researchers are predicting a slightly below-average Atlantic hurricane season in 2023, citing the likely development of El Niño as a primary factor. Eastern and central tropical and subtropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures are much warmer than normal, while Caribbean sea surface temperatures are near their long-term averages.

No matter the seasonal outlook, now is the time to prepare! It only takes one storm to bring loss of life, extensive damage, and/or change people’s lives forever. 

The forecasters anticipate a near-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall in the Caribbean. As is the case with all hurricane seasons, St Lucians are reminded that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them. They should prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted.

    Forecast for 2023 Hurricane Activity

Forecast Parameters

CSU Forecast for 2023

Average for 1991-2020

Named Storms



Named Storm Days






Hurricane Days



Major Hurricanes



Major Hurricane Days




There are several things we can do to be prepared for intense weather systems. Perhaps an appropriate starting place is our homes and properties. After sacrificing large sums to own your preferred dwelling place it is advisable to go a step further and ensure your investment is adequately protected from harsh elements.

·         Cut down threatening trees or over-hanging branches

·         Stock up on plywood

·         Repair leaks in roof or replace  rotten galvanize, tiles or shingles

·         Get a set of handy tools here

·         A hurricane emergency kit

·         Get or review your insurance policies.

Here is a great piece of advice from Rayneau -  when entering a hurricane season, the longer it’s been since we had a hurricane, the closer we are to the next one, meaning it’s a good thing to practice what Boys’ Scouts do – that is BE PREPARED!

 Give us a call at  Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759. Follow us on Facebook or visit our website.for more details to get all your hurricane preparedness supplies and gear. 





Sunday, 21 May 2023


With its upcoming  45tth Anniversary,  the St Vincent and Grenadines Teachers' Co-operative Credit Credit Union Ltd  has taken  the initiative  to support  farmers  -  this must have been seen aa a positive move by the St Vincent and the Grenadines farmers , knowing full well that Rayneau Industries provides them with a guaranteed market for their products. Mr. Gajadhar puts it this way, “Agriculture in St Vincent gets plenty support. Farmers [are] now confident to take loans to farm as Rayneau buys most Agricultural products. Rayneau provides a guaranteed market to Farmers.”

This must have very well been the rationale behind this move by the Credit Union – a guaranteed market to sell produce. Farmers are offered up to $25,000.00 at an interest rate of 1.5% per month under the theme, “Plant for your Future.”

The formation of RAYNEAU INDUSTRIES, a newly formed food export business in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, has taken on the task to provide a marketing platform, initially for the farmers of St Vincent and the Grenadines.  As of Wednesday, 22nd, March 2023, Rayneau Industries has been exporting farmer’s produce via container from St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the United States Virgin Islands.

 CEO of Rayneau Industries Mr. Rayneau Gajadhar noted that this first success has opened limitless opportunities to the farmers in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the rest of the OECS. He stated that “We have started in SVG to work with the farmers to create an export platform that can create excellent someday payment to farmers. Together we will make this work”.

Many have preached the need for a consolidated marketing platform created through a public/private partnership, but it took the vison and wisdom of our very own to  start a consolidated marketing of  the OECS agricultural produce. It is a wake-up call to all stakeholders in the agriculture sector to expand production exponentially.



Thursday, 18 May 2023


Your family’s safety is not merely your responsibility. It should be one of your greatest priorities in life. As you strive to protect your family, you should be aware that some of the major culprits behind many serious health risks are likely penetrating your home on a daily basis – through your water faucet.

Access to clean water is crucial for every family. We all need water for drinking, cooking, and for other purposes such as bathing, brushing, and washing. Clean water not only makes life more comfortable. It likewise preserves human health.

Tap water can’t always be trusted - It may seem clean in appearance but keep in mind that tap water travels through pipelines before it reaches your home. This water may pick up a lot of contaminants along the way it may contain bacteria, chlorine, fluorine compounds, lead, mercury, pesticides and waste particles.  Although the water will be disinfected and fortified along the process, you still can’t be guaranteed that it will be 100% safe.

Without modern purification methods, drinking contaminated water can lead to illness and even death. A lot of products are being marketed as clean drinking water to the public these days.

Culligan Water System

Some of the most common bottled products you will see on the market include purified water, distilled water, and spring water. How do they differ from one another? Which of them is cleaner when pitted against each other - purified water vs spring water or distilled water vs spring water? What is the best bottled  water? So many question with  not enough answers!!!!

Chester Charles our Products Manager puts it best when he says, "....the same bottle of bottled water purchased is in fact tap water which passes through a filtration process…” [glorified water] 

While keeping hydrated is essential to your health, that bottled water in your bag or in the car may be doing more harm than good. When you drink water that is housed in a plastic bottle, you’re also drinking what the bottle is made of. Even water (as well as the acidic soda beverages) can leach particles from the bottles, especially if it has been exposed to heat (when left in a closed car) or stored for a longer amount of time.

Research has shown that BPA (Bisphenol A - a component often found in plastics) has contributed not only to breast cancer, but also testicular cancer and prostate cancer.

 Hear Chester out for a more important water tips and a superb product in our Video below:

 "Common Elements Removed with Filtered Water"

Arsenic: Tap water can contain dangerous levels of arsenic, a powerful carcinogenic, that has been linked to an increased risk of the development of several types of cancer.

Aluminum: Municipal water that is unfiltered can lead to an increased consumption of aluminum, a metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, hyperactivity, learning disabilities in children, skin problems, liver disease and more.

Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs): DBPs are harmful elements that result from disinfecting water with chlorine, a powerful carcinogenic.

Fluoride: While fluoride is commonly associated with improving oral health, it can actually cause a wide range of health problems such as a weakened immune system and cellular damage that accelerates aging." (Source: Benefits of filtered water)

If you don’t have a water filtration system currently installed in your home, we recommend the Culligan's Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter. (Available in-store) It features the most advanced level of filtration technology available. Simply put, it is a better, simpler, far more affordable way to alkalize, ionize and purify water.

Give us a call at  Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248, or Babonneau 450-5759. Follow us on Facebook or visit our website.


Tuesday, 16 May 2023


Whether you are new to home improvement or an old pro, there’s one thing that they both have in common: you need to have the right tools for the job. Since the pros use them on a regular basis, it makes sense for them to own their tools. For the homeowner, however, renting may be the better option, since some tools are so expensive or rarely used.  

According to Good Housekeeping, studies have shown that the average power tool is used for only about half an hour in its lifetime. Had those tools merely been rented for a of couple hours, the homeowners would have saved a lot of money and space.

Depending on the size of your job, tools can be rented for a period of time that fits your needs. Below is a list of common tools and equipment which you can rent to make your project go smoother:

Floor care

For carpeting, there are steamers, cleaners, and shampooers available. For wood floors, there are a variety of sanders to choose from. Additionally, floor buffers and strippers are available.


Airless paint sprayers, textured paint sprayers (hoppers), ladders, and scaffolding can be rented to give your painting project professional results.

Lawn and garden
Whether you’re digging, landscaping, or cleaning up, renting the right equipment can help you get the job done much quicker. Your back will thank you, too. Choose from aerators, brush chippers, trenchers, chainsaws, manual or powered hole diggers, and pressure washers.

Power tools
Why fill your garage up with tools that you’ll rarely use? You can rent a variety of saws, drills, nailers, and sanders.

General construction
Choose from generators, portable heaters, cement mixers and other masonry tools, drywall lifts, air compressors, and pneumatic tools.
You also be doing your part to reduce waste for the environment. Every time somebody rents tools instead of buying, it means one less piece of packaging that will end up in our landfills.

Some other advantages of renting over buying are the peace of mind you get when using professional quality, properly maintained equipment. There is also the added value of the pro-tips and knowledge that come from working with an experienced company.

Call or message us today at 1.758.450-(RENT) (758) 714-7368. Check out our website or follow us on Facebook

Friday, 12 May 2023


Sunday May 14, 2023 is Mother’s Day as well as the final lap of St Lucia Arts & Jazz Festival 2023.  Have you found yourself in a quagmire as to whether to give priority to Jazz or Mother’s Day?  I wholeheartedly recommend spending the day with a mother in your life. Go back in time and read our blog post here .

To the few so-called jazz sessions I have attended this year, as a musician, I have asked myself, is this really jazz music? To many people, any kind of popular music now can be lumped with jazz. As a result, audiences too often come to jazz with generalized misconceptions about what it is, and what it is supposed to be. 

Too often, what is represented as jazz isn't jazz at all. Despite attempts by writers and record companies, promoters and educators and even musicians to blur the lines for commercial purposes, reggae isn't jazz and dancehall isn't jazz, and neither are hip hop, or calypso. There may be much that is good in all of them, but they aren't jazz.

"Jazz was born of a mix of African and European music traditions with its infusion of democracy, improvisation, and individual freedom of expression, collaboration, and a democratic impulse during live performance."

Least you be disappointed at the main stage Jazz show, take the day to Jazz Up the mothers in your life by spending quality time and introducing them  to some great jazz music while having fun at the beach

Songs like:
Just to mention a few, are perfect choices.

But why listen to Jazz? Why is Jazz important, special and valuable? Jazz is a fundamentally democratic style of music.

By calling jazz democratic, I mean that the relationships between jazz musicians when they are playing well, reflect the relationships in an ideal democratic society. In a democracy, citizens have rights, such as the freedoms of expression and of association. The same is true in Jazz.  
A St Lucian Jazz Musician
In jazz, everyone makes individual contributions to the collective musical goal and everyone has personal responsibility. It’s not an autocracy where one person has all the power and tells everyone what to do – or else!
The music is only truly effective when everyone has their fundamental skills together – everyone matters – and yet everyone has different roles at different times. Sometimes you’re soloing; sometimes you’re silent; sometimes you’re accompanying someone else’s solo; sometimes you’re cheering everyone on.

Also, like an ideal democracy, jazz doesn’t care who you are – all that matters is how you play. What matters is what you contribute, what you have to say – not what you look like or where you come from. Age, experience level, size, shape, colour, personal background, class, gender, sexual orientation, spoken language, clothing style, etc. don’t matter. Jazz is egalitarian that way, just like an ideal democracy. And since democracy is an important part of St Lucia’s identity and cultural heritage, jazz music reflects, expresses, and models St Lucia’s best values.

Jazz music is and always will be the universal truth! While there has been a history of serious political division in our country, our Jazz music festivals at its highest has chosen not to recognize this division. The music has always been inclusive and brought us together as a people, as a nation, and in the world community. 

At Rayneau we offer  essentials for a great Mother's/Jazz Day Picnic - grills, grill sets, and coolers . Get your equipment and head to this quiet beach in your community and have this double celebration. You wont regret it. 

Call us at Corinth Main Road 758-450-7247 / Babonneau 758-450-5759 / Monchy 758-450-7248 / Vide Boutielle 758-450-7368.

Thursday, 11 May 2023


 The rains will be here soon, so have you decided to pave your home's walkway/driveway or backyard? Deciding what materials to use presents you with a few options—one of them is brick pavers. Since you want something that’s durable, accessible, and easy to work with (and, of course, something that's aesthetically pleasing) we recommend Rayneau’s Brick Pavers as the perfect choice.

Learn a little about how our pavers are made and why you should use them.

 According to the RG Quarry plant supervisor, “The pavers are made from a mixture of quarry dust, P-gravel and cement in the ratio of 2:2:1 which is run through a mixer and then sent to the block machine. There, the pavers are molded and sent to dry in the curing chamber.  Curing takes approximately 48 hrs.”

Rayneau pavers come in three colours – red, yellow and black. When asked how are the colours added to the pavers, the supervisor replied, “The colouring pigment is added to white sand cement. “Colour is added while the paver is in the block machine after it has been molded.”

 Whether you’re creating a charming walkway or an elegant patio, it’s easy to incorporate Rayneau pavers as an addition to your yard or landscaping. They are always attractive and add curb appeal.

 The benefits listed below are some of the reasons as to why Rayneau pavers are a popular choice among homeowners and landscaping contractors Island wide.

  •  Affordability - would suit any budget
  •  Durability – maintain colour, even after years of wear and tear.
  •  Weather and slip resistant (very important factor for safety]

  •  Require very low maintenance.
  •  Create a classic style in your landscape

Shop with us today and make a statement regarding your property with Rayneau Pavers.

PAVE & SAVE with Rayneau Construction & Industrial Products. Call us at Corinth Main Road 758-450-7247 / Babonneau 758-450-5759 / Monchy 758-450-7248 / Vide Boutielle 758-450-7368.



Wednesday, 10 May 2023


On Monday, May 8, 2023, at an Award Ceremony hosted by The St Lucia Red Cross Society in the
  Financial Administrative Centre at about 6:00pm, the CEO of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd, Mr. Rayneau Gajadhar, among other recipients,   were recognized by the organization for their outstanding services provided to the institution.

Mr Gajadhar’s recognition was of particular significance due to the personal relationship which exists between the president, Mr. Hubert Pierre, and the institution’s staff which has spanned for over a decade.

Joshi, the company’s engineer who attended the ceremony believes that Mr. Gajadar has been a pillar stone in offering services “pro bono” to the St Lucia Red Cross Society. “He has been assisting by various means from the construction of garage for ambulances and as when required Mr. Pierre calls him for assistance with equipment etc.…..” Joshi  remarks.

Mr Gajadhar believes in giving back to the community, especially when it serves a good purpose - in so doing he makes the community a better place to live.

Giving back is in the DNA of Rayneau Group of  Companies.

In 2016 Mr. Gajadhar’s company undertook a comprehensive renovation package to upgrade the Red Cross building at Vigie. The President, Mr. Hubert Austin Pierre, feeling excited about the whole project, went on to say that this project could not be more timely when one thinks of the economic hard times and reduction in donations that the organization currently has to cope with.  It’s this responsibility that this philanthropist/entrepreneur believes that he owes to his country.

Mr. Gajadhar feels honored to be able to give back to such non-profit organizations. He is of the view that his contribution will go a long way in being a catalyst for change and making a difference in the way people behave toward each other. “The St Lucia Red Cross Society plays a vital role in the protection of life, health, and human dignity on our island. Being in partnership with this vital organization I am sure will yield great benefits for both of us,” Mr Gajadhar said.

“We need more persons like Rayneau who is extremely kind, and generous and helps people in need." Mr. Pierre finally concludes.

Mr. Gadajhar’s philanthropic tentacles extend way beyond St Lucia Red Cross Society  -  we can mention the Bexon Primary School, the Police Headquarters, the Carmen Renee School, scholarships for students attending Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, and many unfortunate individuals, just to mention a few.

Call us at Corinth Main Road 758-450-7247 / Babonneau 758-450-5759 / Monchy 758-450-7248 / Vide Boutielle 758-450-7368.

Thursday, 4 May 2023


RG Quarry  manufactures ready-mix concrete, trowel ready mortar, stone, aggregates, sand and gravel, fill products, blocks, asphalt and pavers.  We supply our products to customers in the commercial and domestic markets in St Lucia and the wider region.

RG Quarry concrete batching plants are conveniently located at Vieux Fort and Cul de Sac. With a capacity of 150 m3 per hour, we are able to cater to the demands of both small single-family dwelling type construction projects to large scale construction type projects and are able to supply up to a maximum of 800m3 of concrete per day. We offer free cost estimates, site visits, volume calculation and technical advice.  

We source all aggregates,pumice and sand from our own quarries.  All blocks are manufactured at our concrete plant located at our office in Cul de Sac.  Our aggregates have passed quality tests and declarations of performance for every grade of aggregate or fill material.  All our stone products are fully certified, tested and our concrete is produced to the highest standard.
                                                   RG Quarry mp4
Our pumice comes from the mining pit is at Anse La Raye. The pumice sand is transported to the quarry in Cul de Sac for processing into pumice sand and gravel by our state-of-the -art sand processing plant. 

Our efficient services and willingness to supply concrete even to remote locations across Saint Lucia sets us apart from other suppliers. We are also adequately equipped to provide both delivery and pumping services to meet the individual needs of our customers.

We make it our duty to supply our stores, customers and the region with only the best quality quarry products, freshly produced at our quarry and made conveniently available to you, on any project, anywhere.

Get all your Raw Materials and Aggregates from Rayneau in Cul de Sac, Monchy, Vide Bouteille, Babonneau and Corinth. Contact us at 450-7247/452- 4575 for quotes or more information.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...