Thursday, 27 April 2023


 This extended Labour Day weekend is a fantastic opportunity for homeowners to do some maintenance around the house. There are plenty of projects that can be done over the course of the weekend without taking sunup to sundown to complete them.

It can be a real chore to deal with all of your home's trouble spots and "quirks," especially after you've learned to live with them. Sometimes it's out of pure procrastination, putting off for months a minor repair work that would take only five minutes to complete. 

Other times, we may delay because we're just not sure how to handle the problem (but we sure don't want to pay a handyman to do something we should be capable of doing ourselves). Whatever the case, these little annoyances can add up to much bigger frustrations, leaving us with a feeling that the house is completely falling apart.

Never fear: At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Equipment Limited we have outlined 8 of the most pesky house problems and provided the quick-and-easy fixes that will bring your home back to tip-top shape.

Squeaky Doors
Do you have one or two doors at home that squeaks so much that sometimes you feel like ripping them off? Be patient! Here are a few quick fixes. Spray a little WD-40 onto the hinges, moving the door back and forth to work in the lubricant. Or try rubbing the hinges with petroleum jelly. If these tricks don’t work, lift the hinge pins about halfway and lubricate them with three-in-one oil, using a rag to catch drips.

Dripping Faucet
This nagging problem seems to affect every home; most times it’s in the kitchen. Depending on the source of the leak and the type of faucet, your quick fix may vary, but you're most likely dealing with a worn washer or O-ring. If you have separate handles for hot and cold water, shut off the water to one at a time to determine which causes the drip. Once you know, make sure the water is shut off and then disassemble the faulty handle so you can reach and replace the washer and O-ring. If the faucet is really old, consider replacing it with a new model from us that will match the holes left by the old model.

Stained Tub/Sink
Combine equal amounts of cream of tartar and baking soda with enough lemon juice dish washer to make a paste. Rub the mixture into the stain with your fingers or a soft cloth. Let sit for a half hour, and then rinse well with water.

Slamming Door
I’m sure you'll admit to it. Every now and then in the heat of the moment, you slam the occasional door. If you have a door slammer in your house, all you need to do is head to our store and buy a package of those little felt pads that are used to protect surfaces from getting marked up.
Grab one or two felt pads and stick them inside the door frame. You can put them around the lock area, or spread them out closer to the top and bottom. The pads will catch the door before it hits the frame. While it won't completely silence the slam, it will quiet it, providing you some protection from the sound.

Dusty Chandelier
Have you ever looked up at your chandelier and noticed that it was covered in dust? It might be the focal point of your dining room, but it sure isn’t easy to clean. So how can you thoroughly dust and polish the chandelier without getting dust all over everything else?
Allow the fixture to cool. Wear a pair of white cotton gloves ―one dry, one dampened with glass cleaner. (For crystal, use one part rubbing alcohol  to three parts distilled water.) Wipe each prism with the damp glove, then the dry one.

Diverting Gutter Run-Off
The start of the hurricane season is only days away and you can associate it with much rain. If your gutters are dumping water right next to your foundation, you’re just asking for trouble.

Use flexible corrugated drainpipe to lengthen and extend your gutter downspouts well away from your exterior. You can choose to bury the pipe or leave it exposed—either way, make sure the water is headed away from your house and not back into it.

Stuck Sliding Windows

A stuck sliding door can be very frustrating for everyone at home – more so, the little ones who do not have the strength to pull it open. A little silicone spray lubricant will grease the skids. Spray it onto a rag, then wipe along the tracks, whether they’re metal, wood, or plastic.

Flattened Down Cushions
Have you (the men) been spending a lot of time chillin on the sofa to watch TV or taking that quick nap after a hard days’s work? I am sure you must have felt that the chillin is not as comfortable as before – the cushions have flattened!
Put them outside in the sun for a few hours, flipping them halfway through. (Be careful―leaving them out too long may fade the fabric.) The sun will help evaporate the moisture that gets into the filling over time, and the cushions should plump up nicely.

Do you have any quick  DIY fixes you would like to add to our list? Write them in our comments section. We'll be happy to share them.

Happy Labour Day Weekend from the Management and Staff at Rayneau!

Tuesday, 25 April 2023


The Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher is a piece of equipment everyone should possess. This small aerosol can, could be the difference between life and death.

According to the St Lucia Fire Service cooking is the major cause of fire in the home. Yet how many people would say they have on hand an equipment to fight fire with, if this situation arose.

Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher
The Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher:-

  • delivers a strong targeted stream that goes right to the source of the fire coating it with firefighting foam.
  • can be used on most electric, grease, fabric and wood fires
  • foam is biodegradable so it is easy to clean up and won’t damage surfaces.
So simple to use! Just remove the tab, aim and pull the trigger.

Holding the can 3 to 4 feet from the fire, spray across the base of the flames using gentle sweeping motions.

The contents of each can last about 17 seconds which should be more than enough time to put out the fire.

Whether you are at home, in your car or on your boat, stay safe with Fire Gone Fire Extinguisher.

If you need to leave home, ensure that your house is safe from fires. You look at what may be able to cause a fire and try your best to eliminate the risk. Where electricity is concern, irons, ensure that they are properly turned off and in a safe place” says Officer Francis a Sub Officer at the Castries Fire Station.

If you have any questions regarding smoke alarms, home sprinkler  or fire extinguishers,  you can visit our Corinth, Monchy or Vide Bouteille store, call us at 4507247, email us here, or visit us on Facebook or our Website

Wednesday, 19 April 2023


 The Management and Staff of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd dedicate today April 21, 2023 to Anselm Clauzel. It is a special occassion and we all are celebrating it with him.

Clauzel may very well b e the most charming executive at our company - he is the oxygen at CIE Ltd. His easy going nature, dedication to continuous improvement, long working hours, and special bonding with our Team Leader makes this gentleman an asset to Rayneau.

This executive officer sees not just who we are, but inspires us to be who we can be. Clauzel’s vision and dedication really inspires us as a team.

Today is his day to dream……His day to shine….His day to imagine the future he will create!  Our dream for him? A spectacular birthday and a year overflowing with abundance, health and happiness.  Happy Birthday Sir!

Winston Churchill said, “Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, far from discouraging, only adds joy and glory of the climb.”

May every step Clauzel takes this year lead him closer to his dreams!  

On behalf of Mr Gajadhar, our Team Leader, and all of us at CIE Ltd and by extension our other sister companies,we wish Mr Anselm Clauzel the very best on his Birthday!

Tuesday, 18 April 2023


Year after year  at this time, St Lucians are plagued with the problem of water shortages. Further this time of year has been coined by the term "Dry Season."  It is also the time when WASCO seems to have the most headache due to their customers being on their backs for want of water. This water company, the only one on island, appears to be unable to meet the consumption level of its patrons and therefore have to resort to water-rationing methods in almost every community.

The effects are so drastic in a few of these communities that one may often see persons in search of water from nearby springs and rivers, and in other areas water is trucked. The trees and shrub also feel the the power of the scorching sun by turning brown and giving the communities a pale view instead of a lush green appearance.

The dry season is between December to May and although rain is still likely during these months, it is a lot less than during the wet season.

Focusing on water conservation and developing good household water use habits BEFORE drought conditions occur is smart, money saving, and earth saving. 
Here are some ideas to get you started:

Install Water Storage Tanks.
Water Storage Tanks
Since not all places have an abundance of water, residential water storage will become increasingly important.

Residential Water Tanks are used for safe drinking water, rainwater harvesting, long term water storage, emergency portable water storage, fire protection, irrigation and gardening. Since you may experience dry spells, or have access to poor quality or contaminated water, having a residential water tank is necessary.

Plastic residential water tanks are the most affordable and light-weight, and they require the least amount of maintenance. Steel tanks are subject to rust and erosion, and wood tanks will rot over time. Concrete tanks are extremely heavy, expensive, and require machinery for installation.

Rayneau’s plastic residential water tanks come from 200 -1000 gallons. Our premium polyethylene water tanks are UV stabilized and reduce algae growth. They are maintenance free and built to last.

We also has a number of water pumps, water purification systems, and other accessories required to make the best out of your Residential Water Tank.

Install a “HET”(high-efficiency toilet) or Dual Flush gadget
Toilets are by far the main source of water use in the home, accounting for nearly 30 percent of an average home's indoor water consumption. Older, inefficient toilets that use as much as 6 gallons per flush also happen to be a major source of wasted water in many homes.
Consider purchasing a low-volume toilet that uses less than half the water of older models.
Install a toilet displacement device to cut down on the amount of water needed to flush. Place a one-gallon plastic jug of water into the tank to displace toilet. Be sure installation does not interfere with the operating parts.

Install performance showerheads.
Replace your showerhead with an ultra-low-flow version.
Showering is one of the leading ways we use water in the home, accounting for nearly 17 percent of residential indoor water use—for the average family, that adds up to nearly 40 gallons per day. By retrofitting your shower with a low-flow showerhead, you can save a considerable amount of this water.

Install water-saving faucets
Most of us know we can save water if we turn off the tap while brushing our teeth (as much as 3,000 gallons per year!), but did you know that there are products that will help save water when you turn on the tap too? Low-flow faucets and faucet accessories (such as aerators) are high–performing, water–efficient fixtures that will help you reduce water use in your home and save money on water bills. By retrofitting your entire bathroom and kitchen with low-flow labeled fixtures, you can save even more.

Tackle this year's dry season head-on by shopping Rayneau at 
Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website for all your water-saving fixtures and water6 storage tanks.


Long live the Hyundai backhoe loader! Long live the Construction King!

Backhoes are  experiencing a resurgence as skilled labor shortages and jobsite demands create the perfect storm for a two-in-one machine to change the earthmoving game again — and Hyundai is taking over the market with one of the largest and most comprehensive lineups of backhoes the industry has ever seen. The backhoe is alive and well. And Hyundai is the original.

For many years now, Hyundai backhoes have set the pace on jobsites from residential and site development to utilities and emergency underground response. With the ability to self locate, easily switch between attachments, and both excavate and load, Hyundai backhoes are here and ready to run your jobsite.

Click the link below for more information on the fully loaded world class Hyundai loaders lineup.

With a range of 10 models covering 11500 kg- 30800 kg with 99 kW of power, Hyundai HL and A Series Wheel loaders offer the power and performance you need. And with huge bucket capacities and breakout forces, you can count on them to be highly productive in all industrial, mining and quarrying applications.

Our stock is available to be shipped to Grenada, St. Vincent, Dominica, St. Maarten, Guyana, BVI, Anguilla, Antigua, St Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat and Tortola. Call or message us today at 1.758.450-(RENT) (758) 714-7368.



Monday, 17 April 2023


Whether you're sanding, buffing, polishing, or protecting, there's a Rayneau solution designed to make your job easier.. ...If you have a boat or yacht, and planning on doing repairs, our wide range of marine products will get your job done in a jiffy.

Below is a list of some marine products which you may find useful:

                                                       Multi-Purpose Marine Grease 

1. A distinct tacky grease that resists washout under the most severe water conditions.
2. Minimizes expansion or pressure build-up in fully packed trailer wheel hubs.
3. Superior rust and corrosion protection and high melting point.

For use on all types of boat trailers, wheel bearings, water pumps, steering, and cable quadrants, sleeve and anti-friction bearings slides and dock equipment, and dock-side machinery

                                         Multipurpose Motor Treatment ( for gas and diesel engines)

  • This product helps clean fuel injectors, 
  • cleans intake valves stabilize fuel and oil, 
  • removes moisture from gas, 
  • increases lubricity, etc. 
  • This product cleans with powerful detergents and helps lost horsepower and performance restore

                                                            Outboard & 2-Cycle Engine Oil

This is recommended for all water and air-cooled 2-cycle engines, outboard motors, personal and watercrafts, jet skis, motorcycles, lawnmowers, etc
This product provides the highest level of lubrication and protection for high-performance high power.
This oil contains ashless additions that provide superior engine lubrication.

                                           Lead-Free Marine Battery Pole.

                                         Auto/Marine Sealant - 100% RTV Silicone

The product forms a strong waterproof seal.

Excellent adhesion and flexibility,
withstand  saltwater
Endures sunlight.
The flexible seal won't crack or shrink.

                                                    Marine Adhesive Sealant 5200 (White

Watertight bonding/sealing of gel coat/fiberglass and wood.

Ideal for through-hull fittings and deck-to-hull joints.


Cures in 7 days.


Evapo-Rust is a super safe rust remover. It is water soluble, has a neutral PH, and is reusable. The product is biodegradable and Eveready to use. Evapo-Rust contains no acids, is safe on skin and eyes and it removes rust to bare metal. 

 If you have a question about any of these products, you can visit our Corinth, Monchy, or Vide Bouteille store, call us at 4507247, email us here, or visit us on Facebook or our Website. 



Saturday, 8 April 2023


"Where open sea and land collide is where golf exists in its purest form.” - Bill Coore

Excavation works at Cabot, St Lucia which started in November 2021 have now moved into the stage where infrastructural works are now the priority.  Roads, electricity  water, grass  sand, and other amenities are being installed

The property,  located on a beautiful 375-acre peninsula at the northern tip of the revered Helen of the West will feature a magnificent Coore & Crenshaw-designed 18-hole golf course and a stunning collection of residences ranging from fairway townhomes to expansive, customizable single-family homes and beachfront living opportunities. 

CIE is honored to be given the opportunity to work with the designers on this truly special site. Their goal is to create a golf course with a sense of enjoyment and interest to complement and hopefully equal the site’s overwhelming natural beauty.

 If that goal is attained, Cabot Saint Lucia could become one of the world’s most sought golf destinations.

The golf course is expected to be open in December this year.

You can visit our Corinth, Monchy or Vide Bouteille store, call us at 4507247, email us here, or visit us on Facebook or our Website.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...