Friday, 28 May 2021


Rust-Oleum is one of the world's most trusted sources of protective paints and coatings for both home and industry. For more than 90 years, Rust-Oleum has been a trusted name for paint and coatings that provide long-lasting protection, superior coverage, and labour savings. Rust-Oleum is still renowned for its original rust-fighting formula, but today the brand is just as well known for its Rust-Oleum spray paints and Rust-Oleum furniture paints.

Rust-Oleum is dedicated to the needs of industrial and commercial industries. Their paint and coating products withstand rust, heat, abrasion, chemicals, and harsh environments.

Rayneau retails the Rust-Oleum paint range from its branches in Corinth, Monchy, Babonneau and Vide Bouteille. Rust-Oleum paints deliver ground breaking functionality and performance, previously unseen in the Lucian paint market. Take a look at the Rust-Oleum paints available for your next upcycling or craft project.

Shop Rust-Oleum Products 

1 - Rust-Oleum Stops Rust

Stops Rust provides a long-lasting, durable finish to your project. Resist Moisture and
corrosion with high-quality Rust-Oleum Stops Rust paints. Superior coverage and
durability. Perfect for outdoor metals, refresh your garden bench or patio table and chairs with the high-quality formula of Stops Rust. Available in a wide array of colors and finishes for your specific purpose
Tough, protective finish resists fading, cracking, chipping and peeling. Ideal for use on:

·         Patio Furniture
·         Wrought Iron
·         Wheel barrow
·         Outdoor light fixtures

2 - Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield
Achieve the maximum adhesion, durability and protection offered by Rust-Oleum Epoxy
Shield. One-coat coverage. For high-performance coatings that excel on the most demanding surfaces—with outstanding durability—look to Rust-Oleum Epoxy shield, the #1 trusted brand for protection. Ideal Use:-

·         Garage floors
·         Walls
·         Basement Floors
·         Driveways 
3 - Rust-Oleum Professional
Resist corrosion and abrasion in demanding industrial and commercial settings. with Rust-Oleum Professional coatings. Druable, long-lasting finish. Excellent coverage, hiding and color retention. Fast drying.
Provide a tough, attractive coating that withstands heavy-duty environments with Rust-Oleum® Professional High Performance Protective Enamel. This commercial-quality finish maintains consistent, corrosion-resistant color—despite the elements.

  •         Indoor/outdoor 
  •     Gloss, or flat black and white
  •          Durable, corrosion-resistant

4 - Rust–Oleum Porch and Floor Coating
Add the final touch to any porch, patio or walkway with Rust-Oleum® Porch & Floor Coating. This low VOC, urethane-fortified acrylic formula provides durable color retention that protects and enhances outdoor wood and concrete surfaces.  Its UV, weather and mildew resistant finish is easy to maintain and provides excellent coverage over new or previously coated surfaces. Ideal use:-

  •          Patios
  •          Walkways
  •          Wood
  •          Porches
  •          Concrete
  •          Decks
  •          Weathered Wood
Rust–Oleum Speciality: In this category we introduce the following products:-

1 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty Farm & Implement provides superior rust protection for tractors, trailers, lawn mowers and other farm implements. Rust-Oleum® Specialty Farm & Implement offers excellent coverage, chip resistance and color retention. This complete assortment matches original equipment colors. Apply to metal or wood. 

  •         Heavy Duty
  •          Rust Preventive
  •         Durable weather resistant finish

2 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty High Heat Spray retains color and finish up to 1200º F. Apply to grills, wood-burning stoves, radiators, engines or other metal items. Provides rust protection.

  •          Indoor/outdoor
  •         Durable, corrosion-resistant

3 - Rust-Oleum® Specialty Chalk Board converts surfaces into a usable chalkboard. (Ideal for teachers both in the classroom and those who give private lessons) Apply to metal,
wood, masonry, drywall, plaster, glass, concrete, unglazed ceramics and hardboard. Erases cleanly.
·         Indoor use only
·         Cleans with soap and water

Allow paint to dry for 3 days. Once cured, prepare surface for chalk by rubbing side of chalk over entire surface and erasing.

Call or visit us today and speak with our Customer sales representative in the Paint &Accessories Department at Corinth, Vide Bouteille or Monchy for more details on our Rust-Oleum Products.

Take a quick peek at our slideshow below for an insight into our wide range of RUST-OLEUM Products now available in store.
Shop Rayneau today and find all your Rust-OLeum products at our stores in Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof

Sunday, 23 May 2021


If you detect any problems with your roof early enough, you can prevent it from becoming a more costly repair later on. The best time to do a check of your roof's integrity and have repairs completed, is before your hurricane season even starts.

In this article, let’s take a look at how to spot the signs and tackle the task of undertaking proper DIY roof maintenance.

Here is a list of things you should do:


Detecting leaks early enough can prevent extensive or expensive damage to your roof, your house, and even the foundation. Sometimes the early signs of leaks can be so hard to spot - the most common signs of leaks are:

  • Musty odours in certain rooms
  • Water stains on the ceiling
  • Spots on exterior walls
  • Bulging patches on interior walls
  • Cracked ceiling or wall paint

Also inspect the interior of your ceiling. Check the wood for signs of mold and wood-eating insects like termites.


Inspect the exterior of your house and look for loose, broken, curling or missing shingles. This can instantly detract from the curb appeal of your house, as well as leave parts of your roof structure dangerously exposed to the elements.

Inspect the flashing all along the edge of the roof. Treat any of these damaged areas with corrosion-resistant paint.


The first easy sign of a fix is if your gutters are loose, even in the slightest. Fasten them where necessary to ensure they don’t pull at the roof and cause any damage or over time or during heavy weather.

Next, check all along the gutters for leaks and clogs. These are the two most common problems gutters face, making them heavy and causing them to pull on the roof. Clogged gutters can also cause water to leak behind your fascia boards or into the internal structure of the roof.


Buildings can be destroyed and cars thrown, by the strong winds of a hurricane. You shouldn't trust any of those tree branches hanging dangerously over your building, should you?

Take a walk around right before hurricane season on the months of May or June. Identify oversized trees and dangerous dead and broken branches around your building. They can land on your building by easily being blown off by the storm's strong winds.


Be steps ahead of your neighbours and competitors if you have all of your documents ready.

Protecting people is the most important when hurricane season arrives. With a smart preparation plan that has been well thought out and implemented, you will have no reason to worry or think twice about your roof being damaged by a hurricane.

Find all your roof materials at our stores in Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof


Thursday, 20 May 2021


Whether from a storm, equipment failure, fallen trees or something else, a power outage can happen at any time. While power outages are highly likely to occur, many people are left unprepared when they happen. In a blackout, most people find themselves rummaging through their junk drawer, hoping to find a flashlight and praying the batteries still have a charge.

The good news is there are a number of light sources and ideas you can use to light your house during a power outage. There are five main lighting options that will work during a power blackout:

  1. Candles
  2. Kerosene Lamps
  3. Solar Powered LED lamps
  4. Hand lanterns
  5. Flashlights


When lights go out, the first thing we think of getting is a flashlight. All flashlights are battery-powered. However, the bulb they use will vary from one make and model to another. They are handy for walking around the house during a power blackout. However, they are not great for lighting your house for long hours. Candles


They are often among the first choices for emergency lighting. It’s a light source that has been around for thousands of years; candles are a lighting source that keeps things simple. They are easily attainable, have no expiration, and are easy to use.  If candles are part of your power outage preparations, make sure that for every type of candle you also have the proper non-flammable holder for it.

Solar Powered LED Lamps

These are LED lamps that source their energy from sunlight, which is stored in inbuilt or dedicated batteries for specifically powering the lamps. Although their main purpose is to provide light, some of these lamps have ports that you can use to charge your phone.

A good solar powered lamp can last up to 8 hours when fully charged. They are usually brighter than oil lamps and last longer without going out. One of the main advantages of solar-powered LED lamps is they do not require maintenance once you purchase them.

Kerosene Lamps

Kerosene lamps have one major problem - they tend to give off a pungent smell. Although they are one of the most affordable options, they have serious health implications.

The good news is such lamps are known to provide sufficient light for an average room of about ten by ten feet. If you live in a remote area like a cabin in the woods, a kerosene lamp may be one of the few options you have available during a power outage. You need to be careful when you use a kerosene lamp.

For starters, these lamps are not recommended in houses with small children. At the same time, they can be a fire risk.

Hand Lanterns

Hand lanterns are designed differently. There are those that are battery or kerosene operated.


Battery operated hand lanterns are considered to be the safest type of hand lanterns. For starters, they do not use any type of fuel. This means they cannot be a fire hazard should they be dropped accidentally. 

Factors that determine the amount of light a battery-operated hand lantern will give are two. First, the battery used in the lantern, and secondly the bulb will determine the amount of light it gives off. 


Kerosene hand lanterns are the last and have the lowest rating when it comes to hand lanterns. Kerosene hand lanterns are usually smaller in size when compared to kerosene lamps. This means they will not have the storage to hold a lot of kerosene. As a result, they tend to last for a few hours before a refill is required.

If you do not mind refilling this type of lantern, then it may be the best option. On the plus side, kerosene hand lanterns are usually very affordable.

All these are great ideas when it comes to lighting your house during a power outage. The one you choose should go together with your preferences. You should also consider your budget before you make a decision. Make sure you weigh the pros and cons of each option. 

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, for your choice of lighting in case of a sudden blackout. We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof


Friday, 14 May 2021


Plate compactors can play an important role in the landscaping industry, especially for hardscape projects such as patios and sidewalks. A plate compactor can be a helpful tool that grows your business in an efficient way.

Cormac C135R Plate Compactor

A plate compactor is a construction machine used to compress soil and different types of gravel or stone. There is a heavy steel plate on the bottom of the machine and acts like a push-style mower. The compactor vibrates the earth leveling out the ground.

Building patios and sidewalks in the hardscaping area of landscaping requires a plate compactor to level out the ground.

Plate compactors are very useful when building a flagstone patio because the soil at the base has to be flattened before putting the crushed stone down. After, you’ll have to level out the crushed stone with the plate compactor before putting down the pea gravel. Pitching away from the house is very important when building a flagstone patio. You don’t want there to be any puddles or running water to the house when it rains.

The pea gravel is used to spread underneath the flagstone pieces you lay down for the patio. The plate compactor is used twice and sometimes more when adjusting the soil and crushed stone.

Renting a plate compactor from Rayneau Rentals & Sales will help your business grow and take on more hardscape projects. It’s an essential tool for building patios, sidewalks, and walkways around a landscape.


Advantages of a Plate Compactor:

  • Increases durability and performance of a job
  • Eliminates future shifting and settling
  • Smoother and even surface

Contact Rayneau Rentals & Sales, we are located along the Vide Bouteille Highway, Castries. Call us at 450-(RENT) 7368 or 714-(RENT) 7368 today to rent a plate compactor for your next project! For more information visit our FaceBook page for a wide range of products and construction equipment.

Thursday, 13 May 2021


CEO and Team leader of Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd, Mr Rayneau Gajadhar, has taken his COVID-19 vaccine shots and as a true patriot he encourages his employees and by extension, fellow Saint Lucians to get vaccinated.

The team Leader believes that vaccination is the most effective way to protect against infectious diseases. Vaccines strengthen your immune system by training it to recognise and fight against specific viruses. "When you get vaccinated, you are protecting yourself and helping to protect the whole community," Gajadhar reiterates.

COVID-19 can spread quickly and widely. It has resulted in the deaths of millions of people worldwide and over 75 deaths in St Lucia. As of the date of publishing this article St Lucia has recorded 4,725 cases with 4,486 recoveries. When enough people in the community are vaccinated, it slows down the spread of disease. Achieving herd immunity is a long-term goal. It usually requires a large amount of the population to be vaccinated.

The Ministry of Health (MOE) will monitor the impact of COVID-19 vaccines in St Lucia and whether herd immunity is developing over time. For this reason, public health practices will stay in place until evidence shows that:

  • vaccination prevents transmission and
  • herd immunity is achieved in St Lucia.

It is not yet known if we can eradicate COVID-19. The first step is to reduce the harm it causes and its spread in the community.

For now, “Let’s each encourage our friends, families, colleagues and neighbours to get vaccinated now. It is my responsibility. It is your responsibility. It is our responsibility.” says Mr Gajadhar.

 #GetVacinnated #StopCovid19 #StaySafe

Friday, 7 May 2021


Mother’s Day was announced as a reminder to all of us to take some time off from work and tell our mothers what they mean to us, spend good times with her, eat a meal with her and tell her how much we love her…..

May 9th, 2021 is the day of celebrating the beauty of mothers and motherhood…. Their presence in our lives is the biggest blessing….. Let us thank God for sending such lovely angels in our lives that love us and protect us through thick and thin….

Being a mother is not easy, you have to put in so many efforts, you have to make so many sacrifices….Let us join with the Management and Staff of Rayneau Group of Companies to make our mothers proud by following her guidelines, by being successful and by wishing her a very Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

A hardware store might not be the first place that you think of when shopping for gifts for mom, but Rayneau at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch is more than just a hardware store.  We have a wide selection of gifts that are perfect for mom on her special day.We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof


Tuesday, 4 May 2021


Healthcare has been high on the government agenda over the last year as part of its aim to provide easy access to medical services for all community sectors. Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd (CIE) is in no uncertain terms working assiduoustly and with purpose towards the completion of the Marigot new Hospital. The country plans to open its state-of-the-art Marigot Hospital are already being formulated. 

The hospital, funded by the CBI Programme, will have a 75-bed capacity with high-quality services, including emergency care and a trauma centre.
Application of primer paint at parapet wall on the front of the New Marigot Hospital is in progress. Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing works like cable pulling, installation of cable tray, duct insulation and installation of firefighting pipes are also being completed.

                                                                                Slideshow of work progress
Services to be provided by the New Marigot Hospital will include Ambulatory Services, Emergency Care, Intensive Care (ICU), Maternity and Paediatric Care, Laboratory and Radiology Services and Trauma Centre.

Upon completion, the hospital will attend the immediate health needs of the people in Marigot Health District – which includes communities of Marigot – Concord, Kalinago Territory, Wesley, Woodford Hill, Palm Tree, Calibishie, Bense and Anse D’ Mai along with the Douglas-Charles Airport.


Saturday, 1 May 2021


After the record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season last year, it appears likely that 2021 is in for the sixth consecutive above-average year. First predictions have been released, and the message is straightforward: Yet another very active hurricane season is expected in 2021. With a quite concerning notice that also an above-average probability of hurricane landfalls along the US coastline and in the Caribbean is likely.

The first forecast of the 2021 hurricane season was released in early April by researchers at Colorado State University, who predict 17 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes in the Atlantic basin this year.

Meteorologist Philip Klotzbach said the reason for the above-average forecast included the predicted lack of an El Niño, which tears apart hurricanes, and a warmer than normal subtropical Atlantic Ocean.

Hurricane supplies availabe at Rayneau

Philip Klotzbach says, “Atlantic seasonal #hurricane forecast from @ColoradoStateU calls for above-average season: 17 named storms, 8 hurricanes & 4 major hurricanes. Reasons for above-average forecast include predicted lack of #ElNino and warmer than normal subtropical Atlantic.”

The very concerning part of the forecast for the upcoming hurricane season is the high nearly 60 percent for the Caribbean. A typical season has about fifty-fifty probability of St Lucia getting hit. Something to consider and be hurricane aware of, as we enter the new Atlantic hurricane season in a month from now.

Such forecast is surely not something the residents of St Lucia and the Caribbean region want to hear. Not after such a devastating and record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season in recent years – remember Tomas and the Maria?

The official Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1st through November 30th. The Atlantic basin covers the area which includes the entire Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. As is the case with all hurricane seasons, residents are reminded that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them. They should prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted.

There are several things we can do to be prepared for intense weather systems. Perhaps an appropriate starting place is our homes and properties. After sacrificing large sums to own your preferred dwelling place it is advisable to go a step further and ensure your investment is adequately protected from harsh elements.

No matter how severe the weather is Rayneau can enhance your family’s safety and security and help you build a disaster preparedness kit to prepare your home and office for when nature serves up its worst. Shop our selection of storm and hurricane supplies, from plywood and tarps to standby generators and rechargeable batteries. 

Find it all at our stores in Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website, We’re always happy to serve you #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...