Saturday, 31 October 2020


Santa is on his way, so you’ve finally decided to construct a walkway on your property to welcome him. Deciding what materials to use presents you with a few options—one of them being brick pavers. Since you want something that’s durable, accessible, and easy to work with (and, of course, something that's aesthetically pleasing) Rayneau’s brick pavers are the perfect choice. Learn a little about how our pavers are made and why you should use them.


According to the RG Quarry plant supervisor Mr Cecil Smith, “The pavers are made from a mixture of quarry dust, P-gravel and cement in the ratio of 2:2:1 which is run through a mixer and then sent to the block machine. There, the pavers are molded and sent to dry in the curing chamber.  Curing takes approximately 48 hrs.”

Rayneau pavers come in three colours – red, yellow and black. When asked how are the colors added to the pavers,  Mr Smith says that the colouring pigment is added to white sand cement. “Colour is added while the paver is in the block machine after it has been molded,” he says.


Whether you’re creating a charming walkway or an elegant patio, it’s easy to incorporate Rayneau pavers as an addition to your yard or landscaping. They are always attractive and add curb appeal. 

The benefits listed below are some of the reasons as to why Rayneau pavers are a popular choice among homeowners and landscape contractors  island wide. They:-

1. Are very affordable and would suit any budget

2. Retain their color, even after years of wear and tear.

3. Stand up to the test of time.

4. Are weather and slip resistant (very important factor for safety)

5. Require very low maintenance.

6. Create a classic style in your landscape

7.  Are available in  12" x 12" and 4" x 8' sizes

Rayneau pavers making a statement on the Corinth Road 

Shop with us today at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website at and make that statement for the festive season with Rayneau pavers. We're always happy to serve you! #ShopRayneau#EverythingUnderOneRoof.


Wednesday, 28 October 2020


'“Are you ready for Christmas?” Whenever someone asks that question, my heart rate accelerates as I remember all the things yet to do. However, if we thought about preparation a little differently, our “getting ready” could be less of a rush-rush chore to get things done.

For children, Christmas is a time of joy, a time of celebration and a time for receiving gifts. But for most of us adults, it can be a season full of madness, stress, anxiety and lots of things to do. This is the reason why you should prepare for this season months before it happens. Yes, make preparations for Christmas, early. As early as the month of October kicks in, your Christmas preparations should begin.

Preparing for Christmas can be a lot of work, especially for moms. With the pressure of buying gifts, sending greeting cards, decorating our homes, putting up lights, cooking, attending parties, and cleaning up afterward, we have little time to actually enjoy the meaning of Christmas.

As is the case with most things, planning ahead can help ensure your next Christmas goes smoother than a ride in Santa’s sleigh.

So there are 7 groundbreaking *ahem* Christmas prep-advance tips to keep in mind:

1 – Think about Last Christmas

First of all, take a pen and paper and begin writing a list of everything you were happy and unhappy with last Christmas. It’s basically a case of pinpointing your successes and failures, in order to minimize the latter next time around.

2 – Consider Cash-Flow

It’s important that you remain realistic when it comes to how much you can afford to spend over the festive season in general. It can be hugely helpful to allocate a precise budget to your intended Christmas spending, in order to ensure you don’t get carried away at the time.

3 – Shop Ahead

Shopping for Christmas and starting in October gives you the opportunity to make the most of sales, specials and the kinds of one-off deals that could save you a fortune. It also means avoiding the chaotic Christmas rush!

4 – Start saving Now

Even if you only put a tiny amount to one side every week or month, it will still add up to help you with those inevitable Christmas expenses. A few cents over $50.00/week from now will yield  about $400.00 to buy gifts the week before Christmas.

5 - Or…opt out of Christmas gifts altogether.
I’m constantly astonished how many people who don’t have the money feel the need to buy gifts for other people. If you’re not financially secure, I honestly believe the best gift you could give would be to say, “Hey guys, this year I decided to be brutally honest with myself and admit that I can’t afford to give any gifts. So this year, the only gift I’m giving is to get myself financially stable.”

6 - Deck the Halls with Navita Designs 

Decorating your home for Christmas months before the holiday — even as early as October — can make you a happier person, according to a report. Decking the halls early is a spirit-booster because it tends to trigger pleasant childhood memories, and makes folks feel more social, experts and studies show.

7 – Relax!

Last but not least, the more you treat Christmas like a tiring logistical challenge, the less you’ll enjoy what it’s really all about. Family, friends, food and fun – a time of year to revel in the most important things in life! So above all else, don’t take it all

Pay us a visit at our Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, or visit our website at We're always happy to serve you! #ShopRayneau#EverythingUnderOneRoof. Also at Navita Designs in Vide Bouteille we have a wide array of items to choose from to make Christmas special for that cherished someone.


Sunday, 25 October 2020


St. Lucia is a country of mixed culture, French, British, African and Caribbean. The traditions of each of these countries are now celebrated each year in the month of October as part of Creole Heritage Month.  Creole Day in St Lucia is celebrated on the last Sunday of October. It is a holiday loved by just about everyone that lives on the Island of Saint Lucia.

This year due to the corona virus pandemic and of course significantly connected to the spike in Covid-19 cases on island the authorities have scaled down this year’s celebrations. Persons are encouraged to plan their activities among the immediate family so as to avoid large gatherings and hence curb the spread of the virus.

“Our very survival as a people and as a nation depends on it. La kay ni lòt Jounen Kwéyòl but we only have one life and we need to safeguard it at all cost. Let us all work together to protect each other.” So says a reputable organization.

Rayneau Group of Companies and by extension The Ministry of Health encourages all St Lucians to continue to follow protocols established to keep us safe. “…..Wash your hands often and well. Wear a mask when out in public; ensure that MOUTH, NOSE AND CHIN are covered. If you feel unwell or think you may have been exposed, seek care from your nearest respiratory clinic or call 311 for guidance.” The St Lucia Medical and Dental Association advises.


Saturday, 24 October 2020


Burgess Insect Fogger

Each year, St Lucians spend hundreds of dollars on mosquito control products ranging from a $5 coils to aerosol can sprays. Why do we do this? Because we want to enjoy our home/yard--not to mention the fact that mosquitoes can carry human pathogens like chikungunya and Dengue fever.

Mosquitoes are an issue all year round on island as it is a tropical rainforest island - lots of foliage and lots of water equals lots of mosquitoes. The worst months are probably Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov.

With the outbreak of Dengue fever on island which has already claimed three deaths, Rayneau recommends the use of the Burgess Insect Fogger to help keep your home and yard mosquito-free.

Using our insect fogger, you can drastically reduce mosquito populations in your home/yard, and when you reduce mosquito populations you are also reducing your exposure to the dangerous pathogens they are able to spread. 

Here are a few features of our Burgess Insect Fogger:

1 - Fast and Easy

Treats an average 5,000 square foot yard in less than 10 minutes. Thoroughly fog shrubs, ground covers,

 and dense foliage where mosquitoes rest.

Tip: Fog at dusk, when the wind has died down, before the mosquitoes emerge from their hiding places.

2 - Kills and Repels

One application protects against mosquitoes and biting flies for up to 6 hours.

This is the same effective system used by professionals to kill mosquitoes that may carry

the Dengue fever.

3 - Enjoy the Outdoors in 5 Minutes

People and pets can enter the treated area as soon as the fog disappears (typically less than 5 minutes).

No other mosquito control product (repellents, candles, lanterns, sprays, etc.) is as effective 



 or economical as the Burgess Mosquito Fogger.

NB: Additionally it’s important to clear your home and yard of all mosquito-breeding receptacles.

So hurry on down to Rayneau at the Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, and get this fogger and  keep your home free of mosquitoes.




Monday, 19 October 2020


Amidst the now uncertain period of the coronavirus pandemic on island St Lucians should find innovative and creative ways to boost our spirits. St Lucians should start now to hang up Christmas lights to spread cheer while still abiding by social distancing guidelines.

                                                                     The power of lights!
Christmas won't come for more than ten weeks, but that shouldn't stop many from putting up their Christmas lights amid the latest outbreak of coronavirus on island.

In the coming days, since we most likely will hear of more cases, persons all over the island should turn on their Christmas lights  to lift the spirits of quarantined neighbors. (Wow!)

There are dark times ahead, but we can still put love and light out into fair Helen. Some folks in Vieux Fort and Castries have contemplated putting up Christmas lights to cheer up people in quarantine, in isolation, or just to remind the St Lucians, the region and by extension the world there’s still light and hope.

Navita Designs thinks people should continue shopping for Christmas lights and putting it up in their windows, verandas, porches etc., to remind each other that there is still life and light while we #StayAtHome.

The store stocks a wide assortment of Christmas lights to suit any household. Our push for Christmas lights is just the latest holiday push to spark some cheer amid the latest upsurge of COVID-19 cases. Over the holiday weekend earlier this month a man in Choiseul installed lights throughout his verandah to spread “Choiseulian” cheer to his neighbors.

Finally, as naturally social creatures, human beings struggle mightily with self-isolation. Loneliness has a way of creeping in, but maybe if you hang up Christmas lights amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak like many folks have done, you might find a way to connect with each other while staying healthy.

Come see us TODAY for all your Christmas Décor! We are located at Rayneau on the Vide Bouteille Highway, Castries. For more information give us a call at (758) 721-8016. #NavitaDesigns #ChristmasDecor #UniquePieces #Elegance #Figurines #ChristmasTrees #WreathsandGarlands #Ribbons #GiftWrappingEssentials #FloralPicksandSprays #CommercialDecor #Ornaments

Spread cheer and positivity by decorating your homes with Christmas lights from Navita Designs!!

Saturday, 17 October 2020


Through innovative thinking, Rayneau has taken the concept to repackage and reintroduce into the market its wide range of aggregates. Making the consumer our primary focus and his ability to buy in smaller quantities, management has come up with this brilliant creative package - Rayneau Bagged Products. We are the leading bagged-aggregate supplier on island.

Rayneau has changed the culture of shopping for aggregates in the country. It has been the norm for consumers to buy aggregates by the cubic yard or cubic metre. We have now introduced bagged products to make it more convenient for the customer by placing some of the more popular aggregates in sealed plastic bags - this means you can now shop for ½" and ¾” stones, white sand, coarse sand and ready-mix by the bag just as you would buy a bag of cement. What makes this product even more competitive is the fact that the customer is given a choice of shopping for either 42.5 or 25 kg product.

All the indicators show that the products have been well received and the demand is very encouraging. 

                                                                         Rayneau Bagged Products.mp4

Have you for the longest while been putting off this small project that don't require much 1/2" or 3/4" stones, white or coarse or even ready-mix? Well then, our bagged aggregates products are your answer. 

So hurry on down to Rayneau at the Corinth (450-7247) Monchy (450-7248) Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, and experience the convenience of this great innovation to finish that project which was stopped prematurely due to a lack of a small quantity of materials.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Ms Fleur Ferdinand Has Done it Again at Navita Designs’ Christmas Countdown Giveaways 2nd Draw!

Ms Fleur Ferdinand, a customer of Navita Designs Christmas Collection in Vide Bouteille, is the lucky winner for week # 2! With this win I couldn't help but to recall the song by Louise Mandrell - Some Girls Have All the Luck. This is Ms Fleur’s second straight win in two weeks. You too can be a winner!!!

Navita Presenting Ms Fleur with her Prize.

During our October 2nd  – November 18th Christmas Countdown Giveaways Competition, we are giving away 12 prizes – one weekly every Friday in Live draws on Facebook!

Make sure you are following Navita Designs’ Facebook page or Instagram and shop with us so that you don’t miss out on our weekly giveaways!

                                   DON’T SHOP, YOU DON’T STAND A CHANCE!

Are you following Navita Designs Christmas Collection on facebook and/or Instagram?



Remember our KIDS LUCKY DIP starting November 7th and continuing every Saturday until December 1th, 2020 - Just bring the kids along as you come shopping. Also, in our “SPEND $150 OR MORE AND WIN” promotion which takes place  every Monday, you can win a roll of gift wrapping paper of your choice if you spend $150.00 more with Navita Designs! Terms and conditions apply.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Make Your Washroom More Energy Efficient For the Holiday Season

When it comes to energy use in your home, only the kitchen rivals the bathroom. If your home has more than one bathroom, the energy use can increase even more. Large amounts of heat, water and lighting are used in the bathroom every day, by every member of the household.

Want to make your bathroom more energy efficient? There are two things to consider:

  • Water usage
  • Energy usage

Bathrooms use water. A lot of water. But did you know it takes a lot of energy to push that water in and out of your home too? About one-fifth of the energy we use is created solely to pump and transfer water where it needs to go. Focusing in on both will reduce your monthly fee on both your water bill and your electric bill. 

Where should you start?

High Efficiency Shower Heads

Water efficient showerhead

Most standard shower heads pump out 2.5 gallons of water per minute. If you upgrade to a modern high efficiency shower head, you can reduce that rate by half or more. And what’s even better is today’s shower heads don’t compromise on water flow just to save water. You can easily turn your bathroom into a spa-like atmosphere without increasing the amount of water you use for each shower. 

High Efficiency Faucets

High efficiency faucet

Like shower heads, you can also increase energy efficiency by upgrading to high efficiency faucets. The newest models are built to keep water flow at a maximum while decreasing the amount of water used to give you a high pressure water stream. Be sure to watch for drips and leaks; even tiny leaks can add up to huge waste over time. 

Low Flow Toilets

Dual-flush toilet

Many homeowners have replaced their toilets years ago with low flow options. But did you know you have options to save even more? How about switching to a dual-flush toilet? It allows you to control how much water you use with each flush. 

Is your bathroom as energy efficient as it can be?

We care about you. If your washroom needs to be more energy-efficient, visit any RAYNEAU store at Corinth (450-7247), Monchy (450-7248), Vide Bouteille (450-7246) or Babonneau (450-5759) branch, for our energy efficient fixtures, or visit our website We're always happy to serve you! #ShopRayneau #EverythingUnderOneRoof.


Thursday, 8 October 2020


The Hyundai Mini Excavator is a dense pack of power, perfect for getting in the tight places where the big machines can't goHyundai compact excavators (also known as mini excavators) are your smart choice for general excavation and site preparation projects - a small machine for big jobs.  Operating Hyundai Mini Excavators are done with simple and perfect control.

                                                           A Small Machine for Big Jobs

You'll experience the most comfort and best visibility possible in this class of machine. The mini excavator's absolute reliability will keep you running as long as you need to be. With their small footprint, low cost, and precise operation, Hyundai compact excavators have won over contractors in a big way.

In this post we speak to the Hyundai R27Z-9.

Rayneau Rentals & Sales strives to bring you the state-of-the art earthmoving equipment which will give every operator maximum performance, more precision, versatile machine preferences, and proven quality. Take pride in your work with Hyundai.

A machine walk-around will reveal these incredible features:

 Rugged Upper and Lower Frame

The upper frame is designed to be heavy duty to absorb high stress load on the job. X-leg center frame and reinforced box section track frame provide exceptional strength and longer service life to withstand tough working conditions.

Engine Technology

The R27Z-9 is powered by a proven and reliable, Tier 4 certified Mitsubishi S3L2. This engine provides efficient fuel combustion and reduced noise.

Efficient Control System

Control devices are all conveniently located for improved operator comfort and productivity. A safety lever on the left-side console is designed to prevent exiting the cabin while hydraulic controls are live.

Advanced Hydraulic System

The R27Z-9 hydraulic system is precision designed for fast operation with fine control capabilities.

Comfortable and Durable Cabin

The cabin is roomy and ergonomically designed, with reduced sound levels and good visibility. Both canopy and cabin style frames meet international standards TOPS, ROPS, FOPS ensuring operator's safety

Operator Convenience

The R27Z-9 features a suspension seat, foldable pedals for added space and multiple storage compartments. The monitoring system includes seven warning indicators, water temperature gauge, fuel gauge and hour meter for productive, convenient operating.

Easy and Simple Maintenance

An adjustable suspension seat, wrist rests, ergonomically designed joysticks and plenty of leg room help to reduce operator fatigue. A array of indicators and gauges are displayed on the monitor which keep the operator aware of machine performance at all times. The monitoring system includes seven warning indicators, water temperature gauge, fuel gauge and hour meter.

Extended Life of Components

The R27Z-9 reduces operating costs over time with long life hydraulic filters, hydraulic oil, shims and bushings. Find out more about the R27Z-9 here!

Also in stock is the Mini Excavator R35Z-9 as well as other construction equipment available for sale/rent at our store.

𝗪𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻g 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗕𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘄𝗮𝘆,𝗖𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀. 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝟰𝟱𝟬-(𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧) 𝟳𝟯𝟲𝟴 𝗼𝗿 𝟳𝟭𝟰-(𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧) 𝟳𝟯𝟲𝟴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. Check out our site for a wide range of products and construction equipment.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Work Safely and Efficiently at Heights with the JLB Articulating Boom Lift

Rayneau Rentals & Sales offers highly reliable and well maintained JLG boom lifts for rent so that people can work safely and efficiently at heights.

 A boom lift is one of the most reliable machine to work at heights. There are several tasks one has to perform on heights such as painting, cleaning and maintenance services; it is also used by construction industry to carry out various operations at height safely. 

The JLG 800AL at Work

The JLG 800AJ is an articulated diesel boom lift which provides  a maximum working height of 26.20m with great deal of flexibility.

It’s perfect for operators to reach any object due to its ability to rotate, making it easy to use for pipe rack installations.

It’s ideal for operators as it has a one handed operation designed to give the operator comfort and control.

800AJ Articulating Boom Lift Features

Extra Reach and Versatility The industrys best reach envelope 32 ft (9.75 m) up and over with 51 ft (15.54 m) of horizontal outreach Exclusive Workstation in the Sky® options and accessories

Easier Maintenance, Reduced Costs Swing-out engine tray allows for faster and easier access for routine maintenance Exclusive Advanced Design Electronics (Control ADE®) System provides smoother machine functions, increased fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Improved Performance and High Capacity Exclusive Quik Stik® boom can go from ground level to full elevation in less than 50 seconds Up to 1,000 lb (454 kg) platform capacity 45% gradeability and oscillating axle for improved traction.

                                                                      The Articulated Boom Lift.mp4

FOR RENTING INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT 1.758.450.(RENT) 7368 0R 1.758.714.(RENT) 7368.

We are located in Vide Bouteille along the Castries/Gros Islet Highway. Check out our website and/or facebook page.

Friday, 2 October 2020

12 Weeks of the Christmas Countdown Giveaways at Navita Designs!

Today the draw takes place at 2:00pm and  the winner which will be announced will receive an AMAZING Christmas gift. weeks to Christmas and Navita Designs is offering you a chance to win great prizes!

It’s only 12 Weeks to Christmas and Navita Designs is offering you a chance to win great prizes! The countdown has begun and you can win big. 

According to Navita Designs Instagram page, “Come shop our unique collection of Christmas décor and each week you shop; you get a chance to WIN! That’s 12 prizes to be won. - 1 each Friday from October 2nd to December 18th, 2020.”

In stock are:

  • Christmas Trees of all sizes
  • Festive Figurines
  • Wreaths and Wreathe Rings
  • Garlands
  • Nativity sets
  • Tree toppers
  • Christmas lights
  • Tree ornaments and more

Draws will be done LIVE on Facebook and Instagram feeds every Friday from October 2nd to December 18th, 2020 at Navita Designs Store in Vide Bouteille. Winners will also be contacted via phone.

12 weeks of Christmas Countdown Giveaways.mp4

Terms & Conditions Apply. Shop with us TODAY and you may be a WINNER!

 We are located at Rayneau on the Vide Bouteille Highway, Castries.
For more information give us a call at (758) 721-8016 or (758) 452-0487. 

                                          Navita Designs – Let the Magic begin!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...