Friday, 24 April 2020

Get Prepared For This! 2020 Hurricane Season Could Be Unusually Destructive!

Those extra goods in your cabinet may be useful for more than one reason. As if 2020 has not already walloped us beyond belief, brace yourself for more of nature’s power: Because of warm seas and favorable weather patterns, this Atlantic hurricane season could include a greater-than-average number of major hurricanes.

The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast is out and  the prediction is for above normal activity being likely. It calls for 20 named storms, 9 hurricanes and 5 major hurricanes. With these numbers, it is also likely to be a hyperactive and unusually destructive season.

According to the Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Service (ABMS), if this forecast pans out, this season would be the most active since 2017, and the 10th most active on record dating back to 1851. It would also be the ranked 10th highest season for the number of major hurricanes, 16th for hurricanes and 2nd for named storms.

“The season also has the potential to be record breaking, as there is 70 percent confidence of
  • 14 to 25 named storms;
  • 6 to 12 becoming hurricanes, and
  • 3 to 8 becoming major hurricanes”

"According to other forecasts surveyed, the consensus is for 16 named storms, 8 hurricanes and 4 major hurricanes – above normal season. However, regardless of the forecast, you should always prepare the same each season, as it only takes one hurricane to ruin your year and or life."

What you should know about Hurricanes:
  • Know what to do before, during, and after a hurricane.
  • Prepare before hurricane season starts. The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1.
  • Create an emergency communication plan with your family before a hurricane.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, and in the car.
  • Check your insurance coverage; damages caused by flooding are not covered under normal homeowner’s insurance policies.
  • Listen to local officials.
There are so many things you can do. What you don’t want to do is to wait the last minute, because what humans do most is to procrastinate. “Oh, I’ll have time to do this.” Or “I’ll wait till the next bulletin comes out.” Come down to Rayneau now and get the supplies you need. It’s the best advice we can give you.
Visit or call our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth 450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246(closed temporarily), Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau 450-5759 for all your drought and hurricane supplies. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

COVID-19 – 6 Tips to Observe While Staying at Home

If and you’ve been inside for days on end amid the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be getting a little stir-crazy — or at the very least, feeling bored. At first, the thought of this may have freaked you out. It’s not exactly easy for a person who thrives in social settings and enjoys daily interactions with people
You may feel frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you.

Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.

The tips and advice here are things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental well-being and cope with how you may feel while staying at home.

1.   Stay connected with others
Call, text, email or video chat with your friends and family. Just because you’re socially distancing doesn’t mean that you can’t connect. Research has shown that social support can make you more resilient to stress

2.   Educate yourself
Use your time wisely – there are loads of educational materials online that you can study - like learning a new language or a new skill. There are many apps in the “app or google play store” which teaches a new language or skill from scratch.

3.   Look after your body
Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. At times like these, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour that end up making you feel worse.

Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. Avoid smoking or drugs, and try not to drink too much alcohol.

You can leave your house, alone or with members of your household, for 1 form of exercise a day – like a walk, run or bike ride. But make sure you keep a safe 2-metre distance from others. Or you could try a google play app “home workout” for easy 10-minute home workouts.

4.   Do not stay glued to the news
Try to limit the time you spend watching, reading or listening to coverage of the outbreak, including on social media, and think about turning off breaking-news alerts on your phone.
You could set yourself a specific time to read updates or limit yourself to checking a couple of times a day.
5.   Listen to (or play) music
Singing has been shown to improve people’s mental health and sense of belonging.  Listening to music can help people in the face of a scary and stressful experience; a study on cancer patients found that music reduced anxiety and pain, while bolstering people’s moods.
6.   Look after your sleep
Good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how we feel, so it's important to get enough.
Try to maintain your regular sleeping pattern and stick to good sleep practices.

These are but a few tips to help you through these challenging times. You can add your ideas to the list by writing them in the comments section.

Shop Rayneau for your drought and hurricane supplies. Visit or call our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246(closed temporarily), Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759Our warm and pleasant staff will be happy to serve you.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Build That Tool Set For Your DIY Projects

In spite of spending more time at home these days due to social distancing over COVID-19, you’ve ignored the broken blinds and the dripping shower head for weeks, not to mention the light fixture in the kitchen. It all needs to be fixed or prettied up, but you just can’t deal. You let the TV and chillin on the couch put these repairs on hold.
Come on, stop procrastinating! Yes, you can fix stuff. You don’t have to be The Tool Expert to do it, but you do need a tool set. We’re not talking miter saws or circular saws, the kind of whirring tools that can lop off a limb. We’re talking a hammer, pliers, and some screwdrivers, the kind of tools powered by muscle.

What to look for in a tool set
Equip yourself with a set of household hand tools to tackle DIY projects the moment they pop up. Here are some tips on what to look for when building a hand tool set: 
  •      A good tool kit that can handle a wide range of jobs should include a claw hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, an adjustable wrench, a socket wrench, Allen wrenches, a tape measure, a level, and a utility knife. 
  •      Look for a set with a portable container so you can keep your tools all in one place. 
  • You want the sturdiest tools you can afford. Like a classic one-pound hammer with a 16-inch synthetic handle.      
  • A tape measure that’s at least 16 feet long and 3/4-inch wide, so you can measure room-sized things. 
  •      An adjustable wrench, because it’s like having 10 wrenches in one. 
  •      Screwdrivers—both flat head and Phillips—in a couple of different sizes, and pliers of both the needle-nose and vise grip variety. 
We’d also recommend throwing in a roll of duct tape, a can of WD-40, and one of those little flashlights you wear around your forehead.

Visit our website and stay awhile. If you like what you see, visit or call us at our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246 (closed temporarily), Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759. You will be happy you did — and so will the family.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Protocols are in Place as Rayneau Re-Opens for Business

In keeping with a directive by the Prime Minister our hardware stores at Corinth, Vide Bouteille and Monchy, with the exception of the store at Babonneau were closed for business as of Monday 23, March 2020. 

On Tuesday April 14, 2020 with the exception of the Vide Bouteille branch we have reopened our doors for business.

It is of paramount importance that customers profit this window of opportunity to shop for needed items as the Covid-19 threat remains so very unpredictable.

We are now facing a triple-header:- 
  1. The current drought situation, 
  2. The impending hurricane season 
  3. COVID-19.
Taking these factors into consideration the authorities believe (and quite rightly so) that the citizenry  need to make preparations for the hurricane season, carry out repairs which may have stopped and last but not least, organize to handle the current drought situation.

Our new shopping hours are 8:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Sat) and Sundays ……,

We are following the advice of the government and public health authorities, and proactively implementing protocols that must be put in place for our employees and customers. That, among others, are a range of precautionary measures involving stringent sanitation and cleaning protocols, workplace distancing and customer monitoring.

As we continue to combat the spread of COVID-19, we encourage all customers to wear a protective facial mask, maintain a safe distance while shopping; and maintain six feet apart to be served at the counter at any given time.

Thanks for your usual support. You can save yourself a trip by contacting Rayneau stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759  for any product you may need. 

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Happy Easter Amid Covid-19!

To all our business clients and customers

In the current pandemic spread of the Coronavirus, RAYNEAU GROUP OF COMPANIES is closely monitoring the situation in order to protect every aspect of our construction and retail operations.

We are operating under the restrictions, with part of our staff working remotely. We are also ensuring that our activity at the Babonneau branch is ongoing. 
Thanks to the commitment of our team, we are able to serve as usual to the Babonneau community and its environs.

In these challenging times, we would like to say a big thanks to our business clients and customers for all the support and commitment. As a company, we feel confident that we will get through this together.

From all us at Rayneau Group of Companies we wish you and your loved ones Happy Easter, stay safe and healthy!

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Shop Rayneau and Extend Life of Your Groceries

The government has eased an indefinite, round-the-clock curfew imposed to try to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Persons are now be allowed out to go to small local grocery shops, supermarkets, bakeries and pharmacies.
Rayneau  Grocery Store in Hill 20, Babonneau, is is now opened and well stocked with all your grocery needs for the Easter Season. Taking into consideration that that a 24/7 curfew may be in effect for Friday, Sunday and Monday it makes sense to shop wisely to keep you going for these days and beyond.

No matter how hard you try to meal plan and shop frugally, there’s always something in the fridge that ends up moldering or wilting away. Since you may really hate throwing out food, you can make sure the food you buy at Rayneau lasts as long as possible. 

With the unpredictability of when we may experience another total shut down,you can extend the life of your groceries by following these 10 simple steps:
1- Make friends with your freezer
Pour stock of blended-up veggies and fruits in ice cube trays to freeze.

2 - Freeze bread by the slice
Properly wrapped and sealed bread can be kept in the freezer for up to six months. Yes, it has to be thawed, but that’s better than watching unused bread go moldy on the counter.
Take one out as needed so you don’t have to defrost the entire loaf.
3 - Separate your produce
Apples, bananas and avocado emit gases that can ripen other foods too fast
4 - Keep dairy on the middle shelf
This area of the fridge is more ideal than the door which opens to outside air
5 - Be good to your cheese.  
Make cheese last longer by changing the wrapping regularly. And make sure not to touch it with your hands — which makes it go moldy faster.
6 - Keep air from coffee
Keep beans or grounds in a seal-able container away from moisture and light
7 - Store Onions in Pantyhose
Onions will stay fresh up to six months if you use this method for storing. Make sure a knot is tied after each individual onion.

8 - Keep potatoes in a dark place.
Exposure to light makes them turn green and shrivel faster.
9 - Wrap the crown of a bunch of bananas with plastic wrap.
They'll keep for 3-5 days longer than usual, which is especially helpful if you eat organic bananas. Bananas also produce more ethelyne gas than any other fruit, so keep them isolated on the counter.

10 - Clean your fridge.
Once something goes bad in your fridge or cupboards, it leaves behind a nice gang of mold ready to eat up your new food. Disinfect the fridge — it'll make everything last a little longer.

Those are just 10 small steps to help you save money and extend food life. What do you do at home to make your food last longer?

Shop Rayneau and be stocked up. Call us at 450-5759 for more details.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...