Sunday, 29 March 2020

Rayneau Optimistic About COVID -19 - “This will pass. We will get through this together....!"

Rayneau Group of Companies is remaining concerned—but optimistic—about COVID-19.
In these extremely challenging times, Rayneau Group of Companies would like to share our heartfelt support and solidarity with you and your families. The health and safety of our colleagues, customers, friends and the communities in which we operate is our number one priority. We have over a 30-year legacy of responsible business and we are committed to doing all we can to keep everyone safe.

As government continues to implement measures to contain this public health crisis, we have been taking strict precautions to protect our colleagues and their families, while securing customer service.

Like many hardware stores and retailers, the construction leader has temporarily closed its stores (with the exception of our Babonneau branch which is considered essential during times of crisis) and corporate office, and issued statements to both customers and employees. The company is encouraging them to find a silver lining amid the corona-virus pandemic.

Our team leader, Mr Gajadhar, believes this experience will leave an indelible impact on all of us and our families. However he is an optimist at heart. He is of the opinion that one of the things motivating him through this difficult time is the idea that we can learn and adapt and adjust so we emerge stronger as a result of this test. “This will pass. We will get through this together and be a better and stronger company as a result of it.” He reiterated.

We have followed the advice of the government and public health authorities, and proactively implemented a range of precautionary measures, from stringent sanitation and cleaning protocols, to workplace distancing.

We are extremely proud of and grateful to our teams who come on site every day to ensure business continuity. On top of our workplace precautions, we have taken significant steps to safeguard and support them to minimize exposure.

We look forward to your continued support when we re-open our doors on April 6, 2020.

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Rayneau Hardware Stores Close Temporarily!

    In keeping with our efforts to help curb the spread of COVID-19 plus a directive by the Prime Minister. our hardware stores with the exception of the store at Babonneau will be closed for business as of Monday 23, March 2020 until Sunday April 5, 2020.

 Rayneau encourages you to keep playing your part in preventing the spread of COVID -19:
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If neither are available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Making Shopping Safe at Rayneau Amid the COVID-19 Threat!

We know many of you are concerned about the developing issues related to the coronavirus which has reached our shores. As we continue to monitor the emerging COVID-19 developments, Rayneau wishes to reassure you that the well-being of our customers and that of our employees has weighed heavy on our hearts this week.

As we’ve now seen reports of confirmed cases of the virus on the island we want to take a minute to share an update about what our company is doing. We will work closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other related authorities, on a proactive response plan to help reduce the spread of the virus.

In alignment with official recommendations, we are implementing the following measures: 
  • First and foremost, we are taking preventive measures to keep our stores clean and maintain a healthy environment. Stores are cleaned daily, which includes using sanitizing solutions in high-touch, high-traffic areas.
  • Second, we have increased focus on cleaning and have dedicated persons to maintain key areas throughout the day.
  • Thirdly, we will work to keep our stores stocked and prices fair. As one would expect cleaning supplies and other items are in high demand as customers prepare for the possible impact of COVID-19.
As always, we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Rest assured, we’re doing everything in our power to provide a safe shopping experience for our customers and a healthy environment for our employees and communities.

We will be closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as we can. In the meantime, make sure you are taking steps to be conscious of risks, and seek medical attention if you feel unwell.

Shop safely with Rayneau; Our stores are conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759

Monday, 16 March 2020

Upgrade Your Home With LED's From Rayneau

It’s finally time.  After weeks of thinking it over, you’ve decided to switch from incandescent to LED lighting for your home.  You want to save on your electric bills and get more out of your hard-earned paycheck, but even with newer and cheaper LED’s, they are still more expensive than incandescent bulbs.  How can you be sure you’re getting the best in upgrade costs? 

Let’s take a look at where to start and how to finally make the switch to LED lighting. 
In general, you have one of two choices: Replace bulbs in a room immediately or replace bulbs as they burn out. If you want to completely transition to LED lighting without waiting for the incandescents in your home to bite the dust, experts suggest that you start changing over to LED lights in the rooms in your home that have the highest traffic.

The first places you should change are heavily trafficked areas or hard to reach lights.  The living room or dining room feature the highest volume of people and tend to use more light than other rooms.  When lights are on in the house, they’re usually on in those rooms.  Switching to LED here will save you more money in the long run by reducing the amount of energy used in your home each day. 

But wait, isn’t the kitchen the most used room of the home? For many homeowners, the answer is yes. But how often are you in your kitchen with the lights on compared to the living room or dining room? Your family tends to spend the most time with the lights on in common areas of the home.

Not only will your family get the most use out of these lights, but you will realize the greatest energy savings the soonest. This is because these are the lights that are on the most.

Another suggestion is to start with the lights in your home that are the most difficult to reach. These may be in your kitchen or the recessed lights in your family room. You know the lights we are talking about. Those that give you an inward eye roll and grumble when they blow out because they are such a pain to replace. Start with those and you won’t have to think about them again for quite some time.

 Now that you know what to do, it’s time to get up and get it done. If you have more questions about LED bulbs, energy efficiency or how you can make easy changes that save you money while helping the environment, at Rayneau, we are here for you. 

Visit our website and stay awhile. If you like what you see, visit or call us at our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759. You will be happy you did — and so will the environment.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Car Maintenance With Quality Products From Our Automotive Department

Many vehicle owners use this time of year to start thinking about their automotive maintenance. 

With Easter right around the corner and another long party season lurking ahead - May Day, Jazz, Carnival and Emancipation Day, the life of your car is of major importance. RayneauConstruction & Industrial Products has all the automotive supplies you need to keep your vehicle running in tip-top shape.

Our Automotive Department has foregone a fresh look to make your shopping more entertaining and interactive. The products have been arranged into the numerous categories. This makes shopping and locating any item for the customer simple and fast.
The sections are so named that the items in each one is connected to a specific area of the vehicle -  e.g. The items in Body shop are directly connected to body works on the vehicle. Other sections in the Automotive department are: 

A section in the Automotive Department
  • Cooling 
  • Cleaning 
  • Electrical 
  • Engine care 
  • Fuel
  • lubrication 
  • Pulling and towing 
  • Tire repair 
  • Welding accessories and miscellaneous.'
Your automotive needs are important to us. From polishes and scratch removers to lubricants and jumper chords, we've got you covered. We also carry the tools you need to keep your ride in tip-top shape 
For more information on automotive supplies from Rayneau, visit or call our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759Our warm and pleasant staff will be happy to serve you.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Shopping For the Best Grill? – Charcoal vs Gas

Are you in the market for a new grill? Rayneau  is cookin' up some recommendations for you!

The warm weather is finally here and like us, you’re probably ready for some outdoor cooking! But it’s hard to know exactly which is the best grill to choose. Don’t worry—we did all the research so you don’t have to. In this post we will break down the pros and cons of charcoal grills and gas grills.

To help you pick the perfect grill for your needs, we'll explore the charcoal vs. gas grill debate.

Grill Cost
There's little doubt that a charcoal grill, generally, is an inexpensive outdoor grill. Of course, a high-end charcoal grill costs more, but can really be worth the money.

Advantage: Charcoal grills

Operating Cost
Gas grills run on either natural gas or propane canisters. A 20-lb. propane gas tank will cost around $30. A 20 pound tank will last about 20 hours. This translates to $1/hour of grilling after the purchase of the tank.

Meanwhile, the chimney starter in a charcoal grill can hold up to six quarts of bricks;  Sourced charcoal costs pretty cheap per cookout.

Advantage: Gas Grill

Most dedicated grillers will say that you cannot get the same flavor on a gas grill that you can with charcoal. However, adding flavored wood chips like mesquite, apple, and hickory should get your taste buds going. However, nothing will caramelize a fine cut of steak or chicken like a charcoal grill using natural wood lump charcoal.

But for hamburgers and hot dogs, a gas grill does its job well enough that most folks can't determine the difference in grilling. What's more, it takes some experience to learn how to tame a charcoal grill just right, whereas finding the right temperature on a gas grill is as simple as dialing up a knob.

Advantage: Charcoal Grill

Lugging a gas grill to a park or beach cookout is going to be a headache, unless you have a big minivan and some able hands to help. That said, lots of folks like cooking in their backyard or back deck, and no one is going to steal your large, gas grill if it's a pain to move. But for ball games and rooftop cookouts a smaller Charcoal Grill is an ideal portable choice.

In Summarizing:
Charcoal Grills
Gas Grills
Ideal For: People who don’t want to spend a lot of money on a grill, love the charcoal flavor and are cooking for small groups of people

Ideal For: People looking for more space on the grill grates, plus easy-to-use operation

For more information on gas and/or charcoal grills, as well as grilling accessories contact Rayneau stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759.  

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Be Prepared for the Dry Spell With Water Tanks From Rayneau

The Meteorological Service has painted a grim outlook for the prospects of rainfall during the first quarter of the year, which is generally characterized by dry spells.

Whether you believe in climate change or not (there are many out there who don’t), you and your family will have to deal with natural phenomena at one point in your lives. One of those phenomena is drought (dry spell), which is defined simply as the absence or lack of water for an extended period of time, at a place and to an extent where it is considered abnormal.

After enduring the driest year in over half a century, St Lucians are being warned to brace for more drought-like conditions and the increased threat of heatwaves throughout 2020, according to local experts.

Below normal and near-normal rainfall are predicted for the months of January, February and March.

To experience below normal rainfall during the dry season is far from ideal. This, therefore, calls for immediate action to minimise the negative effects of water shortage. Farmers and householders, among others, could consider rainwater harvesting, along with its proper storage during occasional wet days and of course, employ water conservation methods otherwise.

While we’re nowhere near emergency conditions of a dry spell, now is the time to begin focusing heavily on water conservation in preparation for a potentially worse dry spell.

There are many things you can do to address this problem or prevent its impact when it actually happens:
Think of ways you can conserve and store water. When a dry spell happens, you will want to be prepared. One of the ways you can do this is by learning to store water in containers like the quality rainwater tanks provided by Rayneau

Welcome to RAYNEAU, your one-stop shop for a variety of sizes in water tanks. A water tank is the QUICKEST & EASIEST way to solve all your water shortage problems and SAVE Money on your next water bill, plus you can help protect precious water reserves. At Rayneau we take advantage of our low overheads by passing on great water tank prices to you!

We are fully stocked to handle the dry spell season and can offer you a wide range of high quality brand tanks, pumps and accessories. We can SAVE you time and money and pride ourselves on being able to find a solution to your rainwater tank requirement.

RAYNEAU’s water tanks come in different sizes and shapes and are made from FDA approved polyethylene resins which are safe for human consumption of drinking water. We guarantee you HIGH QUALITY TUFF WATER TANKS, along with high quality service, advice and accessories at competitive prices.

For more information on water tanks and water conservation appliances and fixtures, visit or call our hardware stores conveniently located in Corinth  450-7247, Vide Bouteille 450-7246, Monchy 450-7248 or Babonneau  450-5759 to discuss all your issues relating to water storage and conservation!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...