Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Rayneau’s Credit Services - Creating Opportunities for the Customer

Even if you have a love-hate relationship with it, credit plays an important role in our lives and economy. It allows us to reach financial, personal, and professional milestones that we might not otherwise be able to achieve.

Like it or not, there’s a definite need to take advantage of Rayneau Credit Services in order to achieve your dreams and purchase things you want. You may need credit for:

·         Personal projects 
·         Government contracts
·         Petty contracts
·         Buying hardware 

This means getting approved for building supplies, hardware and/or cash for payment for workers wages.

Rayneau  makes it hassle free for you to access the building materials that you need to manage your project. You will need to complete this Form and visit the store at Corinth in Gros Islet with your project quotation and a valid picture ID to discuss your unique requirements. (NB: This service is ONLY available at the Corinth Branch)

Once all conditions are met and the documentation process is completed, the approval follows in a mere hour. With a 2.5% interest applied you can be assured that your costs are efficiently managed and the money is spent where it matters most.

No long lines or complicated requirements.

In a comment about the service, Mr Gajadhar, CEO of RG Group of Companies Ltd said, "Any contractor……….who gets a contract from government, I will give them all the material, I will give them cash to pay their workers. I’d basically finance the job for them and I would wait until government pays to get my money and I give them the difference."

Cash Advances associated with the project can be arranged which will allow you to pay your employees’ wages or meet that last minute expenses with ease. Also, with a large repertoire of tools and equipment available, we can also assist you with the projects that may not be previously within your reach.

Shameela Rambally
“……we’re finally starting our building process……..with that RCIP credit service it honestly makes this process so much simpler…..the staff and everybody at RCIP had given us so much to do, everything from raw materials, all the minor details has made it so much easier….” says Shameela, the owner of VERVE. (View the full testimonial in the video below.
Rayneau is happy to assist his fellow contractors in keeping their projects on time and on track. If you are a contractor who needs a cash advance to complete his project, tools to perform the job professionally, or products to get it done, then come into our mega store at Corinth. We are a One-Stop Shop that provides you with materials from foundation to finish.

Come in to our Corinth to talk to us today or call us for more details. Your credit account is only a pen stroke away.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Reasons to Choose Our Mini Excavators?

The R35Z-9 Mini Excavator
A mini excavator is equipment which is used for digging and demolition mainly for medium to the small sized project. When you don’t need a full-sized digger, these mini diggers come as an easy alternative which is versatile and capable of offering high performance. If you are thinking of renting a mini excavator, there are some important aspects you need to know.

1 - Mini Excavators are ideal for any project that involves digging and demolition which is too laborious to do with a shovel or other hand tools. There are various types of works a mini excavator can do:

  • Drilling and back-filling Demolishing concrete, steel, asphalt etc.
  •          Flattening landscaping
  •          Creating trenches
  •          Demolishing small structures
  •          Digging irrigation ponds
  •          Removing stumps      
The R27Z-9 Mini Excavator
2 - Having a large excavator cannot always fulfill your needs just because you think it is bigger. A mini excavator at the same time can provide you high performance and can be beneficial from every aspect, so don’t let the size fool you.

  • Doesn’t make much noise, so no air pollution.
  •  A mini excavator can access any tight place where a large excavator cannot be it your interior, softer ground and more.
  •  Since they are light in size, they are less likely to damage the surface or the building.
  • Transportation for mini excavators is way less.
  •  It is more efficient but uses less power at the same time (10-40 kW).
3 - Mini excavators should be operated by someone who has got proper training in this field. Though the equipment is relatively small it can be dangerous if not handled properly as it is very powerful. If you want to use it yourself, it is important to read all the guidelines beforehand and take the proper precautions.

Before using the excavator for the project, it is a good idea to test the machine in a normal land surface and in an open area.

At  Rayneau Rentals and Sales we offer two Hyundai models of mini Excavators – The R27Z-9 (read all about it here) and the Hyundai R35Z-9 (read about it here)

Call us at 450-(RENT) 7368 or visit us at Vide Bouteille for more details. Please follow us on FaceBook

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Rayneau Rentals and Sales Offers the Best Deal on Excavator Rentals

The construction sector is a very important sector. It requires the use of all heavy-duty tools and equipment. Equipment used in the construction work is massive and these need to be precise for providing better output. The first set of equipment used for construction purpose is Excavators. Excavators are used to removing a huge amount of soil to set the foundation of the building. This ensures that the building structure can stand erect on the ground and withstand all the weight and stress imposed on it.
                                 Hyundai equipment from Rayneau Rentals and Sales
Construction companies nowadays do not prefer buying all heavy-duty equipment. Instead, they opt for renting the tools and equipment. This is why excavator rental  has become so popular in the construction industry. Excavators are not the only equipment which you can hire. There are various other tools and equipment available for rent which is required in the construction sector.

Before starting any construction work, first, check on all the tools and equipment you possess. See if these will suffice your requirements or not. Make a list of the machines you will need for the new project. Then you contact Rayneau Rentals and Sales in Vide Boutielle to get the required machines for your work.

When you hire equipment from Rayneau Rentals and Sales, you get the option to opt for the best equipment available on the market. You also get to use the latest make of machines. This ensures better efficiency as well as lower chances of a machine breakdown. Newer machines also ensure less amount of maintenance. So, you will have better work efficiency with almost no breakdown time.
Large, Small and Medium-sized Excavators
So, if you are into the construction business, it is best that you go for an excavator rental from our store in Vide Bouteille along with other tools and equipment. This is a cost-effective approach compared to buying all the machinery for your work.

Visit us today or call 450-RENT (7368) and ask to speak to Justina for more details. You may also visit our Facebook page Here.

Monday, 13 May 2019

10 Tips to Remove Stains From Your Carpet After Your Mother's Day Party

If you have carpets in your home, there’s a good chance you’re going to have carpet stain issues at some point. Many a time when we entertain guests or have family togetherness our carpets become stained through accidental spills. The Mother's Day parties are gone but the stains are still there, leaving us with thoughts as to how to get rid of them.

Well don't threat. Here are a few solutions to remove  many of these stains:
1  BBQ Sauce - Mix one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with two cups of warm water. Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent solution.

Soup - Using a clean paper towel, firmly press onto the stain to absorb any remaining liquid or tomato sauce residue. Mix 2 cold cups of water with 1 tablespoon of liquid dish detergent. Soak a clean cloth or sponge in this solution and blot the affected area. Rinse the carpet with cold water and pat dry with clean towel.

Tomato Ketchup - Using a clean cloth or sponge soaked in cold water, sponge the stain, working from the outside in. Take a slice of lemon and rub it onto the affected area of the carpet. Pour a generous amount of water onto the carpet to cover the area, then blot as much of the water as possible using a clean cloth or towel. Let the carpet dry. The stain should no longer be visible.

4  Tea – apply some soda water, sponge, rinse and blot dry. Finish off by dabbing the area with a 50/50 mix of water and peroxide and finally, sponge with clean water and blot dry.

5  Wine – remove with glycerine or a 50/50 mix of peroxide and water.

Other stain removers from Rayneau
6  Chocolate – remove the worst of the deposit. Use a clean cloth to dab on a solution made up of half a teaspoon of mild detergent in 500ml of water. If the stain is persistent, try a solution made up of a tablespoon of ammonia in half a cup of water and dab as before.

7  Coffee – sponge with a solution of borax. If the stain still remains, beat up an egg yolk, rub it into the stain with a clean white cloth and then rinse in clean water. You can also spray with a branded stain remover and then rinse in clean water.

8  Beer – squirt some soda water over the patch, rinse with clean water and blot dry.

10  Blood – the sooner you get it off the better so, the first step is to wash the blood out in cool water. If the blood has dried, dab it with meat tenderizer and add cool water. It will take about 20 minutes or so to soften the stain, after which you should sponge off with cool water. Blood on leather can be removed with a little hydrogen peroxide dabbed onto the deposit, wiping it off after the bubbling has commenced.

Even if you are able to keep your carpets from stain catastrophes, all of your flooring will need regular cleaning to keep it looking fresh. Rayneau offers both house cleaning products and rental equipment to help you maintain your home. Call us today!

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Happy Mother's Day From RG Group!

For all the working moms out there, RG Group of Companies Ltd just wanted to take a moment to congratulate and honour you on Mother’s Day. Juggling work, home, and family is really hard, and you deserve major kudos for ALL you do. Your dedication to both work and family pays off.

As a working mom, you have two full time jobs, and you get to reap the greatest benefits of both … You have a rewarding career and the ultimate gratification from raising your family. You may feel frazzled, overwhelmed, pulled in a million directions with not enough of you to go around 99% of the time, but hey, as long as you look like you’ve got things together, you’ve got nothing to worry about. It's difficult. It’s exhausting. But know you are not alone.

We’re all trying to figure it out with you. And one thing’s for sure … you are appreciated – at the office, and at home. Plus, no one else can run your life better than you! YOU are perfect for that job!

So enjoy this holiday, dedicated just to you! 

                                            Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

The 2019 Hurricane Season is Below Average But It only Takes One!

It is still early May, and we’re only 20+ days away from the official start of hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin, are you prepared?
In April an early-season tropical weather outlook was released. Lead researcher/forecaster Phillip Klotzbach released his forecast for the Atlantic hurricane season. A Meteorologist at Colorado State University, he predicted the upcoming 2019 season, saying a near-average or slightly below-average hurricane season is anticipated. (View Klotzbach’s predictions in video below)

No matter the seasonal outlook, now is the time to prepare! It only takes one storm to bring loss of life, extensive damage, and/or change people’s lives forever. Remember last year? Three storms hit the Lesser Antilles; Debby, Kirk and Isaac. Use this month of May as your Hurricane Preparedness Month and is a good time to review your storm plan, storm kit and double check your home to make sure it is ready!
               April edition 2019 hurricane forecast + Rayneau hurricane supplies

There are several things we can do to be prepared for intense weather systems. Perhaps an appropriate starting place is our homes and properties. After sacrificing large sums to own your preferred dwelling place it is advisable to go a step further and ensure your investment is adequately protected from harsh elements.

·         Cut down threatening trees or over-hanging branches
·         Stock up on plywood
·         Repair leaks in roof or replace  rotten galvanize, tiles or shingles
·         A hurricane emergency kit
·         Get or review your insurance policies.
Here is a great piece of advice from Rayneau -  when entering a hurricane season, the longer it’s been since we had a hurricane, the closer we are to the next one, meaning it’s a good thing to practice what Boys’ Scouts do – that is BE PREPARED!

Visit our branches at Monchy, Babonneau,Corinth and Vide Boutielle or call 450-7247 for more details to get all your hurricane preparedness supplies and gear. Remember to check us out on  FaceBook or our Website

Rayneau will continue to keep you covered as hurricane season approaches!


Friday, 3 May 2019

Get the Right Type Fence For Your Home.

Choosing the right type of fence for your home can be a difficult project to complete.  There are various styles and options to choose from in addition to managing costs and installation. Use this article as your go-to guide for finding the fence that best meets your needs.

Fences are important because they not only serve a key role in the exterior appearance of your home; they also provide a number of benefits such as security or privacy for homeowners. Before you go out and pick any option, have a specific goal in mind before installing a new fence. Picking a fence based on a specific purpose helps homeowners choose the right type of fence for them.

When it’s all said and done, the right type of fence will be the one that looks nice, but most importantly serves its purpose and meets the goals of the homeowner. Whether your goal is to add some décor around your home, increase security, gain privacy, to block visual stimuli from pets, or to keep your pets in, there’s a fence option for you.  While selecting the right fence, be sure to consider costs and maintenance.

Some common fence types include aluminum, wood, PVC, vinyl, and chain link. Aluminum fences are great decorative fixtures as they blend well with just about any home and require little maintenance. On the flip side, these fences are not as strong and won’t provide any level of security or privacy to the owner.
Wooden fence
Wood fences are by far among the most popular options as they come in many styles. If you’re looking for privacy, security, and a fence that will last you a lifetime go with a wood fence. The quality of the wood fence will depend on the type of wood you choose; however its flexibility to add additional features makes it well worth it.

For a more cost-effective fence, try PVC. While PVC is not as sturdy as wood or iron, it can withstand the elements for years and comes in many heights. Among the strongest and most flexible fences out there lies vinyl. Vinyl fencing is considered among the best out of the other categories as it outperforms the strength of wood and the durability of PVC. Although this fence can have higher upfront cost, its low maintenance and long lifespan make it an overall solid investment for your home. 
Chain link fence
The last type of fence type to consider is chain link fencing. Just about everyone knows this type of fence. We see it at schools, parks, and your grandmother might still have one in her yard.  Yet, where this fence may lack in creativity, it makes up for in price and durability. Not to mention there are other chains to choose from as well as many homeowners spoof up the fence with some shrubbery and flowers.

Fences are just another tough choice in the home ownership cycle. Like all the choices before it, do your homework. Write down your needs, goals, and restrictions to discover and select the best fence for your home.

Finding the materials for your choice fence can be found at any of the Rayneau branches at Corinth, Vide Bouteille, Monchy or Babonneau. You can also follow us on FaceBook .

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Happy Workers Day From Rayneau Group of Companies Ltd!

The Management of RG Group of Companies Ltd is aware that every organization grows and develops with the combined efforts of the employer and the employees; The success of the company is a result of synchronization and coordination of both parties.

Today is the day dedicated to all the workers who have helped make our company a success. On the occasion of Labour Day, Mr Gajadhar, our Team Leader, expresses his gratitude to all the hard working employees for their unmatched efforts. 

In recognition of his team on this important day Mr Gajadhar reiterates,
“Labor Day is a special occasion to honour all our workers. Please know that your efforts make a huge difference in the success of our team."

On behalf of RG Group of Companies Mr Gajadhar, and by extension Management wish each one of the company’s employees a very Happy Labour Day. 


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...