Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Rayneau’s Massive Development Project For Cul-de-sac and Country

A front view of the Culdesac Development Project
For the past eighteen or more months, you must have been one of those curious commuters or pedestrian traversing the Cul-de-sac road near Kimakaze and wondering what is going on there – it’s the Cul-de-sac Development Project.  This  project,  sources close to Mr  Gajadhar  reveal, is a shopping/services complex, never seen before, that will uplift the Cul-de sac Valley, and by extension St Lucia. It promises to be the business Mecca on the island.

“…………the Cul-de-sac Development, which is a very big development, that I will go ahead and do immediately once we get from government the necessary concessions that they give to everybody else….” 

Dale Elliott, the host of "Untold Stories," was nearing the completion of the documentary "Unbridled Ambition” when he poised his penultimate question to Rayneau Gajadhar. “Ray, it's twenty eighteen, where do you go from here? Tell me of your next big project, for you and for St Lucia?" Rayneau was about to blow a few mind outta space with his revelation.

“I have a couple of big plans. One of them is the Cul-de-sac Development, which is a very big development, that I will go ahead and do immediately once we get from government the necessary concessions that they give to everybody else, and I think this is going to make a major change not for just Cul-de-sac but for St Lucia.” Rayneau divulged.

The Cul-de-sac Development Project will entail:
  • Retail
  • Restaurants
  • Hotel
  • Convention centres
  • Offices
  • Storage facilities
  • Agricultural processes 
Get a sneak peek into the Culdesac Development Project below:
Dale shifted a bit with his final question when he asked Rayneau, “Perhaps there might be somebody out there with an idea, a dream, the drive, but no support, no financing, what would you say to that person?”

“The dream is bigger than their finance. The dream is bigger than what they can really do…..”

Rayneau in typical, composed and confident manner replied. “The dream is bigger than their finance. The dream is bigger than what they can really do, and I think one has to come back to dream to what I can afford.”

“When I started, I started to dream about only what I had at the time. And we must always start to where we can reach and then move on.”

He went on to speak about his modus operandi when he started in business. The CEO of RG Group of Companies said that when he started his only thought  he had at the time, was the level he thought  he could reach. After attaining this milestone, he said he’d moved on to another stage.  

In his own words, “When I started I started to dream about only what I had at the time. And we must always start to where we can reach and then move on. It is pointless wanting to build a shuttle to go into space to take people up for $200,000.00, when you can’t pay your passage to pay a plane to go to Trinidad.”

“The thinking has to be readjusted in an effort to move forward.”
                                                      The Interview
In his closing, Rayneau left this message which can serve the new entrepreneur well as well as all St Lucians. “The thinking has to be readjusted in an effort to move forward.”

Friday, 25 May 2018

Rayneau Speaks To The 0% Contractor Financing Package

“The heights that great mean reached were attained by early mornings and really, really late nights. His name has forever been mixed with sand, stone and cement. He started off pushing an ice cream cart, today his business is worth millions, and employs over 600 staff, and most of all he is one hundred percent St Lucian. He usually shies from the spotlight, but this episode of untold stories, Rayneau Gajadhar sits down to have a tell all interview from humble beginnings to massive accumulation of assets, to $46M of debt, to the explosion that rocked St Lucia and his business,  and most importantly he reveals the blueprint of progress for the RG Group of Companies.”

The above paragraph depicts the introduction Dale Elliott coined in a documentary entitled “Unbridled Ambition” from his popular series “Untold Stories” in which he delved into the business life of St Lucia’s #1 entrepreneur - none other than our very own Team Leader, Rayneau Gajadhar.

In this post we look at a section of this documentary which deals with the rationale behind Rayneau’s thinking when he introduced the “ 0% Contractor Financing Package” as he describes it in “Unbridled Ambition.”

Dale, posed the question. “… were getting into construction financing, not only for the government but for individual contractors. Tell me the rationale for that?” Rayneau in his typical passionate manner said that it was a hassle for small contractors to get financing for their projects at the time, and actually he did not want to bid against the small contractor so that is what actually prompted him to start the Contractor Financing Package.

Rayneau continued, "Any contractor……….who gets a contract from government, I will give them all the material, I will give them cash to pay their workers. I’d basically finance the job for them and I would wait until government pays to get my money and I give them the difference." (See Video below)
“That is unheard of Ray. It’s absolutely unheard of.” Dale remarked as he could not believe what he had just heard. “Some will say you are feeding the same sharks that will come back to bite you. What would you say? Dale pressed Ray.

“I feel good that I can help the small contractors, [and] I think they are very happy with the service they get from us.” Rayneau replied. He went on to express the view that many of these persons who get jobs are not really contractors and they really don’t know what to do. 

The Contractor’s Financing Package is still available from any of Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd branches at Corinth, Vide Bouteille and Monchy.  Come in or call 450 – 7247 and speak to one of our customer service representatives.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Culligan Water Filters - Making Your Life Better With Better Water!

“We want everyone to know about the many benefits of drinking filtered water and to share them with their loved ones.”
Your family’s safety is not merely your responsibility. It should be one of your greatest priorities in life. As you strive to protect your family, you should be aware that some of the major culprits behind many serious health risks are likely penetrating your home on a daily basis – through your water faucet.

Access to clean water is crucial for every family. We all need water for drinking, cooking, and for other purposes such as bathing, brushing, and washing. Clean water not only makes life more comfortable. It likewise preserves human health.

Tap water can’t always be trusted - It may seem clean in appearance but keep in mind that tap water travels through pipelines before it reaches your home. This water may pick up a lot of contaminants along the way it may contain bacteria, chlorine, fluorine compounds, lead, mercury, pesticides and waste particles.  Although the water will be disinfected and fortified along the process, you still can’t be guaranteed that it will be 100% safe.
Culligan Aqua Cleer Drinking Water Filter System
Without modern purification methods, drinking contaminated water can lead to illness and even death. A lot of products are being marketed as clean drinking water to the public these days.

Some of the most common bottled products you will see on the market include purified water, distilled water, and spring water. How do they differ from one another? Which of them is cleaner when pitted against each other - purified water vs spring water or distilled water vs spring water? What is the best bottled  water? So many question with  not enough answers!!!!

Chester Charles our Products Manager puts it best when he says, "....the same bottle of bottled water purchased is in fact tap water which passes through a filtration process…” [glorified water] 

While keeping hydrated is essential to your health, that bottled water in your bag or in the car may be doing more harm than good. When you drink water that is housed in a plastic bottle, you’re also drinking what the bottle is made of. Even water (as well as the acidic soda beverages) can leach particles from the bottles, especially if it has been exposed to heat (when left in a closed car) or stored for a longer amount of time.

Research has shown that BPA (a component often found in plastic) and other plastic materials, has contributed not only to breast cancer, but also testicular cancer and prostate cancer.

 Check out Chester for a few more important water tips and a superb product in our Video below:
"Common Elements Removed with Filtered Water
Arsenic: Tap water can contain dangerous levels of arsenic, a powerful carcinogenic, that has been linked to an increased risk of the development of several types of cancer.
Aluminum: Municipal water that is unfiltered can lead to an increased consumption of aluminum, a metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, hyperactivity, learning disabilities in children, skin problems, liver disease and more.
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs): DBPs are harmful elements that result from disinfecting water with chlorine, a powerful carcinogenic.
Fluoride: While fluoride is commonly associated with improving oral health, it can actually cause a wide range of health problems such as a weakened immune system and cellular damage that accelerates aging." (Source: Benefits of filtered water)

If you don’t have a water filtration system currently installed in your home, we recommend the Culligan's Aqua-Cleer® Advanced Drinking Water Filter. (Available in-store) It features the most advanced level of filtration technology available. Simply put, it is a better, simpler, far more affordable way to alkalize, ionize and purify water.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

8 Thoughtful and Practical Mother’s Day Gifts For a Cool Mom.

Mother’s Day is around the corner, and unless you’re the type who’s got gift-giving on lock months in advance — and seriously, who is that person? — you might be scrambling a bit for great Mother's day 2018 gift ideas. And while it’s important to choose a gift that your mom will love, and that shows your appreciation for the fact that she, you know, gave you life, took care of you when you were sick, cleaned up after your dog, and is basically always there for you — your gift can do even more good by giving back in meaningful and important ways, too. 

Just remember, the best gifts are thoughtful and practical ones!

With Mother's Day coming up on May 13, here are eight  thoughtful and practical ideas for showing your mom how much you care on Mother’s Day this year. Whether you're married to one, the father of one, the daughter of one, the sister or brother of one—you get the idea—buy that talented human being something nice.

1 - Replace something lost or fix something broken:
Listen; is it the most romantic idea? No. But if mom has been driving around with a dinged up side mirror, or the back house light hasn't worked since Independence Holiday, fix the dang thing! You can still be sentimental: If she's ever mourned over a lost earring or a broken watch, try to find a close replacement.
2 - Help keep her cool: 
She’s always been your number one fan, so maybe it’s time to return the favor. If your mom complains about how warm it’s been lately – remember May is the hottest month, this four-speed oscillating wall fan can cool her down without extra noise or overly frigid air. Our "Curved Air" fans make the ideal gift for mom!

3 - Help her keep an eye on things:
 If your mother is part of the sandwich generation and worrying about her own parents while still doing the mom thing, consider treating her to a new high tech home security system. Whether she keeps it positioned over her front door so that you can keep an eye on her when she comes home late, or sets it up at her own mother’s house to monitor daily activities, an IP Cam can be monitored from your home or an app and provides incredible peace of mind. 

4 - Make new mom feel pretty and pampered: 
Make her feel she’s still pretty and pampered even though that baby is currently sucking up all the attention.  Tuck an apple pie flavored lip balm and a couple of nail files into a lovely cosmetic bag – trust us, when you’ve got an infant smooth lips and nails go a long, long way towards feeling half-human again.
5 - Build her a gardening gift basket:
For the mom with a green thumb - Fill a gift basket with a pair of gardening gloves, a weed puller, shovel, kneeling mat, and seeds; Visit our Lawn and Garden Department for all these items for your gift basket.
6 - A day filled with some classic quality time:
If you're looking to give your mom the ultimate Mother's Day, spend May 13 taking her out, to some cute business place in your area. Whether you go to a restaurant, the spa or out shopping.
7 - Keep mom secured:
A major concern for any mother is the safety of her children. Every day, smoke detectors help save lives and lessen the severity of fire damage. At Rayneau, we believe  that gifting your mom with this smoke detector will hopefully have relieved her of one less concern for Mother’s Day.
8 – Make her home rodent free:
For the umpteenth time you have heard your mom, wife, aunt or sister complain about noises in the ceiling created by rodents. Give her that peace and quiet this Mother’s Day by setting up an ultrasonic pest control product from our store. The high-frequency sound waves drive away mice and rats by creating an unpleasant environment for them. Electronic mouse repellents are capable of preventing a rodent infestation before it can even start.   

Feeling a little better about your Mother's Day gift prospects? Your mom is, too.

                               HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2018!!!


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...