Friday, 28 April 2017

8 DIY Quick Fixes to Tackle at Home During This Labour Day Weekend

Labour Day weekend is a fantastic time for homeowners to do some maintenance around the house. There are plenty of projects that can be done over the course of the weekend without taking sunup to sundown to complete them.

It can be a real chore to deal with all of your home's trouble spots and "quirks," especially after you've learned to live with them. Sometimes it's out of pure procrastination, putting off for months a minor repair work that would take only five minutes to complete. 

Other times, we may delay because we're just not sure how to handle the problem (but we sure don't want to pay a handyman to do something we should be capable of doing ourselves). Whatever the case, these little annoyances can add up to much bigger frustrations, leaving us with a feeling that the house is completely falling apart.

Never fear: At Rayneau Construction and Industrial Equipment Limited we have outlined 8 of the most pesky house problems and provided the quick-and-easy fixes that will bring your home back to tip-top shape.

Squeaky Doors
Do you have one or two doors at home that squeaks so much that sometimes you feel like ripping them off? Be patient! Here are a few quick fixes. Spray a little WD-40 onto the hinges, moving the door back and forth to work in the lubricant. Or try rubbing the hinges with petroleum jelly. If these tricks don’t work, lift the hinge pins about halfway and lubricate them with three-in-one oil, using a rag to catch drips.

Dripping Faucet
This nagging problem seems to affect every home; most times it’s in the kitchen. Depending on the source of the leak and the type of faucet, your quick fix may vary, but you're most likely dealing with a worn washer or O-ring. If you have separate handles for hot and cold water, shut off the water to one at a time to determine which causes the drip. Once you know, make sure the water is shut off and then disassemble the faulty handle so you can reach and replace the washer and O-ring. If the faucet is really old, consider replacing it with a new model from us that will match the holes left by the old model.

Stained Tub/Sink
Combine equal amounts of cream of tartar and baking soda with enough lemon juice dish washer to make a paste. Rub the mixture into the stain with your fingers or a soft cloth. Let sit for a half hour, and then rinse well with water.

Slamming Door
I’m sure you'll admit to it. Every now and then in the heat of the moment, you slam the occasional door. If you have a door slammer in your house, all you need to do is head to our store and buy a package of those little felt pads that are used to protect surfaces from getting marked up.
Grab one or two felt pads and stick them inside the door frame. You can put them around the lock area, or spread them out closer to the top and bottom. The pads will catch the door before it hits the frame. While it won't completely silence the slam, it will quiet it, providing you some protection from the sound.

Dusty Chandelier
Have you ever looked up at your chandelier and noticed that it was covered in dust? It might be the focal point of your dining room, but it sure isn’t easy to clean. So how can you thoroughly dust and polish the chandelier without getting dust all over everything else?
Allow the fixture to cool. Wear a pair of white cotton gloves ―one dry, one dampened with glass cleaner. (For crystal, use one part rubbing alcohol  to three parts distilled water.) Wipe each prism with the damp glove, then the dry one.

Diverting Gutter Run-Off
The start of the hurricane season is only days away and you can associate it with much rain. If your gutters are dumping water right next to your foundation, you’re just asking for trouble. Use flexible corrugated drainpipe to lengthen and extend your gutter downspouts well away from your exterior. You can choose to bury the pipe or leave it exposed—either way, make sure the water is headed away from your house and not back into it.

Stuck Sliding Windows

A stuck sliding door can be very frustrating for everyone at home – more so, the little ones who do not have the strength to pull it open. A little silicone spray lubricant will grease the skids. Spray it onto a rag, then wipe along the tracks, whether they’re metal, wood, or plastic.

Flattened Down Cushions
Have you (the men) been spending a lot of time chillin on the sofa to watch TV or taking that quick nap after a hard days’s work? I am sure you must have felt that the chillin is not as comfortable as before – the cushions have flattened!
Put them outside in the sun for a few hours, flipping them halfway through. (Be careful―leaving them out too long may fade the fabric.) The sun will help evaporate the moisture that gets into the filling over time, and the cushions should plump up nicely.

Do you have any quick  DIY fixes you would like to add to our list? Write them in our comments section. We'll be happy to share them.

Happy Labour Day Weekend

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Job Openings at RG Group of Companies Ltd.

Jobs are important for several reasons: they provide workers with personal feelings of 
self-worth and satisfaction and produce revenue, which in turn encourages spending and stimulates the larger economy. Jobs provide personal and economic benefits.

RG Group of Companies is looking for competent persons to fill the following vacancies:
  1. Sales Clerk (Vieux Fort)
  2. Accounts Receivables
  3. Accounts Clerk
  4. Cleaner
We are very aware of the employment situation in the country and in keeping with our signature motto, "Creating Opportunities, Building your Future" we are going all out to make positions available for the citizenry. 

You will of course be ware that if you have a job, you can earn money. If you can earn money, you can buy things you need, pay your bills, have a place to live, and basically do things you want to do. Without money, you can’t do much!

Having a job makes you feel good. Yeah, you heard us right. Knowing you can do something well and earn money for your skills is a great feeling. When you work, you contribute to the community.

You help make the economy and your community stronger. You are being a productive citizen (which communities like) and a valued community member.
When you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of employment.

Last but not least, when you have a job, you have self-respect, dignity, and self-worth. You are being responsible and making sure that you can take care of yourself. You are creating a solid foundation that you can build on to have a successful future.

"Working with us", according to Navita Jarbandon, a top executive at Rayneau, "’s going to be one of the best places to work because.......the opportunities are endless. It all depends on the individual and what you think you can achieve if you push yourself.”

So make that decision to join us now. Send your resume to

Friday, 21 April 2017

Happy Birthday Anselm Clauzel!

Credits Navita: Anselm Clauzel
We at RG Group of Companies Ltd dedicate today April 21, 2017 to Anselm Clauzel. It is his Birthday and we all are celebrating it with him.

Clauzel may very well be the most popular worker at the company. However, he is the life at CIE Ltd. His easy going nature, dedication to continuous improvement, long working hours, and special bonding with our Team Leader makes this gentleman an asset to the company.

This executive officer sees not just who we are….but inspires us to be who we can be…..Clauzel’s vision and dedication are really inspiring us as a team.

We at RG Group of Companies thank Clauzel for his passion and everything he does. Today is his day to dream……His day to shine….His day to imagine the future he will create!  Our dream for him…….a spectacular birthday and a year overflowing with abundance, health and happiness.  Happy Birthday!

Winston Churchill said, “Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, far from discouraging, only adds joy and glory of the climb.”

May every step Clauzel takes this year lead him closer to his dreams!  

On behalf of Mr Gajadhar, our Team Leader, and all of us at RG Group of  Companies Ltd,we wish Mr Anselm Clauzel a very Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

4 Tips to Save Your Lawn This Dry Season

Effects of the dry spell on a lawn
You think you have stress? What about your lawn? The sun beats down on it. People walk all over it. It's thirsty, and weeds want to take over. Yes, it's rough out there in the yard. But you can take some easy steps to help your lawn cope with the stresses of these dry months.

We’re into the dog days of the dry season, and many people’s lawns are showing signs of stress. The weather may be great for the beach, but the kind of hot, dry weather the island has experienced for the last couple of weeks is hell on your lawn - It looks like this time of year could bring another long drought season too.

Our Lawn and Garden Customer Sales Representative advises property owners to follow practices that will allow their lawns to recover naturally and, just as important, keep a bad situation from getting worse.

1. Employ a responsible water usage program during the dry months:
The best way to beat the heat is by watering.  As water demand increases in the dry season, water supplies decrease, causing the water authority to put outdoor watering restrictions into effect. Fortunately for most, those rules often allow early morning watering, when it is cool to allow more water to soak into the ground rather than evaporate. One inch of water per week keeps turf grass healthy. Once you start to water don't stop.

2. Do not cut grass too short:
One common mistake made by both homeowners and commercial landscape maintenance companies is cutting a lawn too short. If a lawn is cut too short, it reduces the plants’ ability to produce energy for growth. To help your lawn survive dry conditions and stay healthy all year round, Shakym advises raising your lawn mower to its highest setting and leaving the cuttings on the lawn.

3. Leave clippings on lawn:
Clippings are actually beneficial to the lawn, as they act as a slow-release fertilizer for the plant as they decompose. They also add moisture, and a mulching effect; however, break up clumps because they will block the sun and heat as they decay, killing the under-lying grass.

4. Year-round maintenance:

The best hope for drought-stricken lawns consists in long-range  care which includes proper fertilization, watering, mowing, and pest control that all help to produce a consistently healthy lawn that is best able to tolerate the dry season (and other) stresses 

Lawn and Garden Products
For a wide range of products that will  keep your lawn looking lush green pest free, talk to Shakym at our Lawn and Garden Department or call us at 450 7247.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Happy Easter Greetings From Rayneau!

Easter is one of the most important holidays for Christians. Easter Sunday commemorates the Resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ from the dead.

In fact the base of the Christianity is built on resurrection of Jesus Christ, This Easter, may we always be blessed with love, life and happiness?  May our lives be touched by the true meaning of Easter.

The history making sacrifice and the death beating resurrection of Jesus did something very special for every single one of us. It gives us hope.

Hope for an intimate relationship filled with acceptance and unconditional love. Hope for a future brighter than today and the realization there is something beyond the here and now.

The Management and Staff of RG Group of Companies Ltd  find great joy and are passionate about wishing all their clients, customers and friends a Happy and Eggcellent Easter. We want to encourage you to find time to spread hope and light into the lives of those around you this Easter.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Daren's Memorial Service Scheduled

A memorial service has been announced for the last of the three victims of an accident that occurred at RG Quarry Ltd late last month.

A young man — the son of Ludicia Gabriel and Cuthbert Charles, and a Team Member who had been an assistant mechanic with RG Quarry Ltd for a little over a year — will be remembered on Friday April 7, 2017, just over two weeks  after dying in a tragic accident  in Cul De Sac that occurred at about 5:00 pm on March 21, 2017.

Family, coworkers and friends of Daren Joel Cosmos Gabriel, 32, who lived in Morne Dudon, will gather  at the Church of Lady of Fatima, in La Clery, for a memorial service from 2:00 pm.

Daren died at the scene along with his supervisor Kim Khodra, and the operations manager Simon Straughn, who was rushed to the hospital for treatment of serious injuries, succumbed that same night.

Daren leaves behind to mourn his mom and dad, step-father Joseph Jeffers, and four brothers in the persons of Glen, Verneuil, Josiah and Chris Gabriel.

“Daren was a loving child, well known and respectable person. Yes, life will go on without Daren here, but there will be such a void left without him,” Daren’s mother lamented.

An Executive Officer at Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd, in paying tribute to Daren said, "Daren was a respected member of our team here and the effects of his passing are already being felt here by his fellow employees and management. Darren was a wonderful employee who understood the meaning of the word "team.” 

The other two victims, Kim Khodra and Simon Straughn were both laid to rest last Sunday and Monday respectively.

Daren Joel Cosmos Gabriel will be greatly missed and everyone at RG Group of
 Companies Ltd is saddened by his death. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time.

                                   May Daren’s Soul Rest in Perfect Peace!!!!!

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

22 Years of Outstanding Customer Satisfaction

We at Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd and RG Quarry Ltd acknowledge the 22nd Anniversary of Construction and Equipment Ltd. (CIE Ltd) - The parent company within the RG Group of Companies Ltd.

Construction and Industrial Equipment Limited has completed 22 years to become one of St Lucia’s leading firms within the construction sector. In recognition of this monumental achievement, Construction and Industrial Equipment Team leader Rayneau Gajadhar is grateful for his team’s hard work and the strategies and activities  of the company that have enabled it to reach this milestone

Construction and Industrial Equipment Ltd started activities on April 4, 1995 as part of the RG Group of Companies, the largest private sector investor in various industries in Saint Lucia.

The projects that we carry out include construction of hotels, bridges, schools, road works, water works as well as commercial, retail and residential projects

A few of our current projects include, Dennery North Water Project, Agro and Honey processing plant at La Caye and Anse Ger and Early Childhood development Centre at Marigo.

CIE is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility and has donated to students, marginalized groups and public institutions. Our recent work on the Bexon Infant School and the Red Cross Building attests to CIE’s philanthropic endeavors.

The construction industry in Saint Lucia is on an uptick and we intend to provide our services to both the public and private sectors. We aim to do so through strict adherence to timely performance, uncompromising quality, a safe and friendly working environment and complete client satisfaction. This will be achieved through the implementation of comprehensive construction management systems throughout the life cycle of each project that we work on.

                                    Happy 22nd Anniversary CIE Ltd!!!!


Sunday, 2 April 2017

Memorial Services for Kim And Simon Set.

Funeral services have been set for two of the three victims who worked with RG Quarry Ltd, and died Tuesday March 21, 2017 in a tragic accident at Cul De Sac.

Kim Khodra and Darren Gabriel died on the scene during an explosion at the Quarry while Simon Straughn who sustained serious injuries, succumbed later that night at the Victoria Hospital.

The funeral service for Kim will be held today Sunday April 2, 2017 at 1:30 pm at the Temple of Faith in Odsan, while Simon’s funeral service will be at the Cathedral Bascilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries the following day from 2:30 pm.

Funeral arrangements for Darren Gabriel,the third victim, according to officials at RG Group of Companies Ltd will be set for a future date.
Both Kim Khodra and Simon Sraughn leave behind a wife and two children.

“Simon was unforgettable. He was like a son, generous, loving, kind and….. He was the most forgiving person I know,” says the top executive officer at Rayneau Construction and Industrial Products Ltd.

                             Tribute to Kim Khodra and Simon Straughn

She continued, “Kim was an outgoing Christian and family man who started with the company at its inception. He was a hard worker and recently rejoined the company after being away for a while. He will be greatly missed.”

“We at RG Group of Companies Ltd are taking this time to show sincere gratitude to all who continue to support and sympathize with us”, a communique from the company read.

It went on, “To all well-wishers and individuals offering prayers we would like to say thank you. The entire St Lucian community has truly shown us the meaning of togetherness and selflessness in a time when hope seems a far reach away. Our immense thanks and gratitude go out to all who played a part in whatever capacity that they could.
We sincerely thank you”

After each memorial service the bodies of Kim and Simon will be interned at  Jacmel and Choc cemeteries respectively.

                                       MAY THEIR SOULS REST IN PERFECT PEACE!!!!

The management of RG Group of Companies Ltd regret to inform its dear and valued customers of the closure of all the subsidiaries under the RG Group of Companies Ltd on Monday April 3, 2017.


The Soufriere/Fond St Jacques Road Rehabilitation Project, spearheaded by Construction and Industrial Equipment (CIE) Ltd. , is progressing ...